
Piggy-backs off of PeanutButter.TempDb.Runner to provide a way for node tests to run against a temporary database

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeTempdb from '';



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What is it?

A node package, piggy-backing off of the .net package PeanutButter.TempDb.Runner, to provide a mechanism for node tests to run against a temporary database.

Supported databases

  • mysql
  • localdb
  • sqlite

If you have requests for other engines, please file an issue at the PeanutButter GitHub repository. Engine support will only be considered if there is demand for it (one request is demand :grin:)


var db = new TempDb(Databases.mysql);
await db.start();

// configuration is available on db
const { host, user, password, database, port } = db.config;

// if you're using knex, there's a convenience wrapper for config:
const knex = Knex(db.knexConfig);

// now you have a clean, empty database!

// later
await db.stop();

TempDb provides a static method create as a shorthand for construction and starting:

var db = await TempDb.create(Databases.mysql);

TempDb should be perfectly usable from JavaScript:

let db = await TempDb.create("mysql");

// later
await db.stop();


  • MySql can take a few seconds to spin up. I suggest creating one TempDb in a beforeAll() and tearing it down in an afterAll()
  • you probably already have some kind of db-schema migration strategy in place. Point it at your new db and create a clean, useful database!

Troubleshooting MySql

Supported versions

PeanutButter.TempDb.Runner has been tested with the following versions of MySql:

  • 5.6 (Windows, OSX)
  • 5.7 (Windows)
  • 8.0.20 (Gentoo Linux)

Each of those versions has subtle differences which affect bootstrapping of the temporary instance. If you find that node-tempdb is unable to bootstrap mysql for any reason, please open an issue at GitHub. You should be prepared to help me debug it!

PeanutButter.TempDb.Runner will automagically find mysqld if:

  • it's in your path
  • you're on Windows and it's an installed service

Generally, this means:

  • an installed mysql server on Windows will just work
  • and installed mysql server on most Linux distros will just work
  • mysql installed via homebrew on OSX will work -- if you add the bin dir from the install folder to your PATH (as soon as I have an OSX machine to test on I'm sure I can automate this). brew info mysql should tell you where it's installed to. In the wild, I've seen the path /usr/local/mysql/bin as the home where mysqld might live on OSX.


If you want to work against this code, you should be able to:

  • clone
  • npm test


  1. the tests should all run
  2. you should have a local copy of the used version of PeanutButter.TempDb.Runner