node-threadrunner provides a simple API to manage a group of nodejs Worker threads. This is useful for small singular tasks that need to be moved off of the main thread, but do not require extensive custom worker setup. node-threadrunner allows for initial environment setup of each worker so that variable initialization and includes only need to be done once per worker. Then each worker has access to this environment when the run script is executed.
- Lightweight
- Easy to use Promise based API
- Set a timeout for run tasks
- Worker environment setup
- Easily update parameters for background task
- node 12.x
Install via npm:
npm install node-threadrunner
To use node-threadrunner in a node.js application:
const ThreadRunner = require("node-threadrunner");
const evalScript = `
return workerProps.sampleCompute.doStuff(params[0], params[1]);
// Note: This is optional
const workerPropsScript = `
const SampleComputeClass = require('src/SampleComputeClass.js');
return { sampleCompute: new SampleComputeClass() }
// Construct the thread pool with desired config values and optional worker environment setup script
const threadrunner = new ThreadRunner({
minThreadCount: 1,
maxThreadCount: 3,
workerPropsScript: workerPropsScript,
// Run a task in a background worker thread. Timeout in 1500ms.
.run(evalScript, 1500, "sampleData1", "sampleData2")
.then((result) => console.log("success: ", result))
.catch((error) => {
if (error.message === "TimeoutError")
console.log("The task did not complete in time");
else console.log("An error occurred:", error);
Worker Threads
This module allows a user to execute concurrent run tasks on a configured number of background threads. If the number of tasks exceeds the number of available threads, tasks are queued via returned run promises that are fulfilled in the order that they were created.
The worker pool can be configured with the min and max number of threads as well as worker thread timeouts. The pool will maintain workers at the min worker count, but will create workers to meet demand until the max worker count is reached. Once the pool has more than the min number of workers, the pool will be polled at the set pollingInterval and workers that have been idle for the set workerIdleTimeout or greater will be terminated.
ThreadRunner API
constructor(Object: options)
Options object:
maxThreadCount: integer Defaults to config.js:maxThreadcount. The maximum number of workers allowed. Must be more than minThreadCount.
minThreadCount: integer Defaults to config.js:minThreadCount. The minimum number of workers allowed. Must be less than maxThreadCount.
pollingInterval: integer Defaults to config.js:pollingInterval. The interval in milliseconds to check for expired workers.
workerIdleTimeout: integer Defaults to config.js:workerIdleTimeout. The number of milliseconds a worker needs to be idle before expiring.
workerPropsScript: string Script that is evaluated and stored as "workerProps" for each worker.
workerOptions: object Options passed to each worker.
run(script: string, timeout: integer, ...params: [] | arguments)
script The script to evaluate.
timeout Optional. The number of milliseconds to wait before rejecting with 'TimeoutError'.
params Parameters passed to the worker thread. Accessible as 'params[]' in script.
Promise Resolves with script eval result or rejects with 'NoWorkerError', 'TimeoutError', 'EvalError', 'ExitError', or 'MessageError'.
Promise Resolves when all workers in the pool have exited.
The following ThreadRunner class properties are readable:
pollingInterval // Given in ms
workerIdleTimeout // Given in ms
The following ThreadRunner class properties are writeable:
npm run test
See test/threadRunner.test.js
for example usages of the ThreadRunner class.