
NodeJS tool to manage wifi

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeWifiDualband from '';



The node-wifi-dualband module allows mac, windows and linux users to interact with surrounding wifi networks through various methods.

These methods include scanning for wifi access points and connecting to these access points.

This module is a fork of node-wifi but with some slight modifications to parse dualband Routers correctly under all operating systems. Each band will appear as independent.

The module manages :

  • Connect for linux | mac | windows
  • Scan for linux | mac | windows
  • List the current wifi connections for linux | mac | windows
  • Disconnect for linux | windows

As everything with hardware dependency, weird behaviors may happen depending of your configuration. You should never hesitate to notify us about a specificity of your OS/Hardware/Wifi card/whatever.


// Use as a module
npm install node-wifi-dualband

// Use as a CLI
npm install node-wifi-dualband -g

Getting started

var wifi = require('node-wifi-dualband');

// Initialize wifi module
// Absolutely necessary even to set interface to null
    iface: null, // network interface, choose a random wifi interface if set to null

// Scan networks
wifi.scan(function(err, networks) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
        networks = [
              ssid: '...',
              bssid: '...',
              mac: '...', // equals to bssid (for retrocompatibility)
              channel: <number>,
              frequency: <number>, // in MHz
              signal_level: <number>, // in dB
              security: 'WPA WPA2' // format depending on locale for open networks in Windows
              security_flags: '...' // encryption protocols (format currently depending of the OS)
              mode: '...' // network mode like Infra (format currently depending of the OS)

// Connect to a network
wifi.connect({ ssid: 'ssid', password: 'password' }, function(err) {
    if (err) {

// Disconnect from a network
// not available on all os for now
wifi.disconnect(function(err) {
    if (err) {

// List the current wifi connections
wifi.getCurrentConnections(function(err, currentConnections) {
    if (err) {
    // you may have several connections
            iface: '...', // network interface used for the connection, not available on macOS
            ssid: '...',
            bssid: '...',
            mac: '...', // equals to bssid (for retrocompatibility)
            channel: <number>,
            frequency: <number>, // in MHz
            signal_level: <number>, // in dB
            security: '...' //
            security_flags: '...' // encryption protocols (format currently depending of the OS)
            mode: '...' // network mode like Infra (format currently depending of the OS)

// All functions also return promise if there is no callback given
    .then(function(networks) {
        // networks
    .catch(function(error) {
        // error

Use as CLI

wifi --scan

wifi --connect --ssid <ssid> --password <password> [--iface <wlan0>]

wifi --disconnect

wifi --current



  • network-manager