
Node.js module to monitor Gearman server status

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodeGearmanStatus from '';



Node.js module to monitor Gearman server status

  Require ('../lib/GearmanStatus')
  Define variables of builder
  Create the object
  Init the events with initHistory()
  When you want the data stored at the history, call writeHistory

  See test.js

  The return data have format:
     [ [ { name: 'prueba2',
          date: Wed Jun 12 2013 13:25:39 GMT+0200 (CEST),
          workers: [Object] },
        { name: 'prueba',
          date: Wed Jun 12 2013 13:25:39 GMT+0200 (CEST),
          workers: [Object] } ],
      [ { name: 'prueba2',
          date: Wed Jun 12 2013 13:25:45 GMT+0200 (CEST),
          workers: [Object] },
        { name: 'prueba',
          date: Wed Jun 12 2013 13:25:45 GMT+0200 (CEST),
          workers: [Object] } ] ]

        Each array contained in main array has all workers that have been initiated with his name, date when has 
        been given the data and workers. Workers is an array with [number of jobs in the queue, number of
        running jobs, number of capable workers].
        When an event occurs, the main array increases one position.