
The NodeChron CLI is a helpful way to browse episodes, moments, symbols and challenges for The Node Chronicles interactive comic book series, the first transmedia comic involving real technology, virtual hackathons, contests and prizes. Be a real world su

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodechron from '';


nodechron CLI

install NodeJs for your computer, by following these instructions.

Once NodeJs is installed, run from your Terminal:

npm install -g nodechron

probably you may need to preceed the previous command with sudo if you are on Mac or Linux.

Then type:



The NodeChron CLI is a helpful way to browse episodes, moments, symbols and challenges for The Node Chronicles interactive comic book series, the first transmedia comic involving real technology, virtual hackathons, contests and prizes.

Be a real world super hero as you participate in the human technology journey.

Supported Commands in this version

List episodes:

nodechron episodes list

Open an episode:

nodechron episodes open 1

List moments:

nodechron moments list

Open a moment:

nodechron moments open 1

List symbols:

nodechron symbols list

Open a symbol:

nodechron symbols open 1

List challenges:

nodechron challenges list

Open a challenge:

nodechron challenges open 1

Other commands

Print the help message:

nodechron help

Print the nodechron npm package version:

nodechron version

How to deploy a new version of this package

Edit the package.json file with the new version right there:

  "name": "nodechron",
  "version": "0.0.8",  <-there


npm publish --access public