
A custome JavaScript Logger using node fs module

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodefslogger from '';



Node fs logger is a lightwaight logger which helps you to keep your logs in a seperate file.


  • dotenv


  • Run npm i nodefslogger.
  • Create a .env file on root directory.
  • Add the following details and tweek as per your need aslo found here
    # Server Loging Configuration Starts
    CLEAR_LOGS = false
    SET_JSON = true
    LOG_TO_CONSOLE = true
    # Server Loging Configuration Ends
  • LOG_DIR will create a directory name assigned on your root directory and all the logs will be stored inside that directory.
  • CLEAR_LOGS will clear up your logs everytime you restart your server.
  • SET_JSON will store data in json file instead log file.
  • LOG_TO_CONSOLE will print out the logged message on console as well.

How to use?

At first create a seperate file with js extension and add up following lines in that file.

    Logger_Core = require('nodefslogger'),
    Debug = () => new Logger_Core('Debug'),
    Error = () => new Logger_Core('Error'),
    Access = () => new Logger_Core('Access'),
    Query = () => new Logger_Core('Query');
module.exports = { Debug, Error, Access, Query }

Here we are creating different logger instance to log different categories. nodefslogger will export a logger module which can be stored on a constant. After storing the module we need to create a new instance of module by passing the name of the file we want to keep our logs in.

Here Debug, Error, Access and Query are the different categories of logs so every category has its owne instance and then exported from file so that we can require this logger file to keep our logs.

Now when we need to keep our error log we will require Error from the file. After that we will ask the Error to log datas using .log() and pass our log message inside the parenthesis as below.

const { Error } = require('./Logger/Log');

Error.log("Made First Log")
Error.log("Another Log here")

This will append the logged data on Error.log or Error.json as per your environment variable.


Dont use nodemon while your .env file has SET_JSON = true as nodemon monitors any changes in json file as well your server would restart time and again the json file is updated.


  • Log in Different File After The Size Exceeds Certain Threashold
  • Get All Logs from Different Files in Get_Json function
  • Auto Generate .env file at ackage installation
  • Propper Github documentation and application documentation as well