
Learning and testing Node.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodejsPv from '';


NPM Help

npm help install
npm help-search remove
npm apihelp prune

Setting Defaults

npm set init-author-name "Phu Phan"
npm set init-author-email ""
npm set init-license "MIT"

Get config:

npm get init-author-name
npm get init-author-email
npm get init-license

Install package

For Developer

npm install angular --save-dev
npm install angular -D
npm i angular -D

For Production

npm install angular --save
npm install angular -S
npm i angular -S

Installing global packages

npm i global <package-name>
npm list -g --depth 0 (Show all global packages installed)

Removing a package

npm uninstall <package-name> --save
npm uninstall <package-name> --save-dev

Listing installed package


npm list (All dependencies)
npm list --depth 0 (All package with tree of Level 0)
npm list --depth 0 --dev true (All package with tree of Level 0 and it in group Dev)
npm list --depth 0 --long true (All package with tree of Level 0 and more info for each packages)
npm list --depth 0 --json true (Save behave, but it will return Json type)
npm list --parseable true (All packages, and show full path fol all)


    npm list --global true (All dependencies)
    npm list --global true --depth 0 (All global package with tree of Level 0)
    npm list --global true --depth 0 --json true

Installing specific versions

npm i underscore@1.8.3
npm i underscore@1.8.x
npm i underscore@1.8
npm i underscore@1.7
npm i underscore@1.x
npm i underscore@1
npm i underscore@">=1.1.0 <1.4.0"
npm i underscore@1.8.2 --save --save-exact (--save-exact: Remove @ before version in package)

Advanced NPM

Installing from a Git Repo

npm install express
npm install

Installing from a Gist


npm i gist:aba9ac1b45bb63425348fbc122833e4b

Installing from a Folder

npm i ../hello-world --save

Searching for Packages

Go to website to searching packages
or you can using command:

npm search underscore


npm prune --production

The NPM repo command

npm repo express
npm repo underscore

Publishing your own package


Step 1: Setting up your NPM user for publishing

  • Init package
  • Init git

Step 2: Preparing your project for publishing

  • npm adduser
  • npm publish
  • npm info
  • npm repo

Step 3: Publishing your package

  • npm tag
  • npm push --tag

Step 4: Update version of package

  • Change version in file package.json
git add .
git commit -m "update version blabla"
git push origin master
