
This is a shared module of node.js.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodejsShared from '';



This is a shared module of node.js.



npm install nodejs-shared;


[1.0.2] - 2021-10-12

  • Updated dependent package'sharp'from 0.25.4 to 0.29.1.
    This update statically links sharp's pre-built libvips binaries, eliminating the need to install Phton.
    Click here for sharp change log.

[1.0.1] - 2020-09-25

  • Added delete directory method to file module.

    import { File } from 'nodejs-shared';
    // Delete directory



General file manipulation utilities.

import { File } from 'nodejs-shared';

// Returns the file base name
File.basename('/tmp/sample.html');// 'sample'

// Change permissions
File.chmod('sample.txt', 0o755);

// Create tmp directory
File.makeTmpDirectory();// '/tmp/5tbwc2dukck66vyk/'

// Delete directory

// Make a directory

// Returns whether the file exists
File.existsFile('sample.txt');// true

// Delete file

// Write a file
File.write('sample.txt', 'Hello, World!');

// Read a file as a string
File.readAsString('sample.txt');// 'Hello, World!'

// Read file as JSON object
File.readAsJson('sample.json');// { name: 'John Smith', age: 30 }

// Read files in base64 format
File.readAsBase64('sample.jpg');// '...'

// Returns file information
    // Stats {
    //   dev: 66305,
    //   mode: 33261,
    //   nlink: 1,
    //   uid: 1000,
    //   gid: 1000,
    //   rdev: 0,
    //   blksize: 4096,
    //   ino: 13617488,
    //   size: 13,
    //   blocks: 8,
    //   atimeMs: 1594624654468.3438,
    //   mtimeMs: 1594624654468.3438,
    //   ctimeMs: 1594624971566.2764,
    //   birthtimeMs: 1594624654468.3438,
    //   atime: 2020-07-13T07:17:34.468Z,
    //   mtime: 2020-07-13T07:17:34.468Z,
    //   ctime: 2020-07-13T07:22:51.566Z,
    //   birthtime: 2020-07-13T07:17:34.468Z
    // }

// Returns the file modification date and time
File.getFilemtime('sample.txt');// 1594624654

// Returns the file extension
File.getExtension('sample.txt');// 'txt'

// Find file
    // [
    //   'sample/Administrator/Database/Vivian.txt',
    //   'sample/Architect/Harley.txt',
    //   'sample/Architect/Taylor.txt',
    //   'sample/Engineer/Eliza.txt',
    //   'sample/Engineer/Nancy.txt',
    //   'sample/Engineer/Robin.txt',
    //   'sample/Manager/Melinda.txt'
    // ]

// Returns the tmp directory. However, the tmp directory is not created.
File.getTmpDirectory();// '/tmp'

// Returns the tmp file path. However, tmp file is not created.
File.getTmpPath();// '/tmp/5tbwc2gskck789pt'

// Returns the tmp file path with extension.
File.getTmpPath('txt');// '/tmp/5tbwc2gskck78srx.txt'

// Return whether file
File.isFile('sample.txt');// true

// Rename file or directory name
File.rename('sample.txt', 'new.txt');


General media manipulation utilities.

import { Media } from 'nodejs-shared';

// Write base64 to image
Media.writeBase64Image('sample.jpg', '...');

// Convert base64 format to blob format
Media.convertBase64ToBlob('...');// /9j/4AAQSk...

// Return whether base64 format
Media.isBase64('...');// true

// Returns base64 file information
Media.statBase64('...');// { blob: '/9j/4AAQSk...', type: 'jpeg' }

// Returns the dimensions of the image
Media.getDimensions('sample.jpg');// { width: 960, height: 640 }

// Crop image
Media.crop('sample.jpg', 'crop.jpg', { left: 480, top: 220, width: 200, height: 200 });

// Resize to 100px width while keeping the aspect ratio.
Media.resize('sample.jpg', { width: 100 });

// Resize to 100px height while keeping the aspect ratio.
Media.resize('sample.jpg', { height: 100 });

// Resize width and height to 100px while maintaining aspect ratio. (Cover)
Media.resize('sample.jpg', { width: 100, height: 100 });

// // Resize width and height to 100px while maintaining aspect ratio. (Contain)
Media.resize('sample.jpg', { width: 100, height: 100, contain: true });

// Resize to 100px width while keeping the aspect ratio.
Media.resize('sample.jpg', { width: 100 });

// Resize to 100px height while keeping the aspect ratio.
Media.resize('sample.jpg', { height: 100 });

// Resize width and height to 100px while maintaining aspect ratio. (Cover)
Media.resize('sample.jpg', { width: 100, height: 100 });

// // Resize width and height to 100px while maintaining aspect ratio. (Contain)
Media.resize('sample.jpg', { width: 100, height: 100, contain: true });

// If you do not want to change the original image file, set output output destination
Media.resize('sample.jpg', { output: 'resized.jpg', width: 100 });


General utility that returns class information.

import { Reflect } from 'nodejs-shared';

class Sample {
  public static func1 () {}
  public static func2 () {}
  private static func3 () {}
  private static func4 () {}
  public func5 () {}
  public func6 () {}
  private func7 () {}
  private func8 () {}

const sample = new Sample();

// Return class method name
Reflect.getStaticMethods(Sample);// Set(4) { 'func1', 'func2', 'func3', 'func4' }

// Returns the instance method name
Reflect.getMethods(sample);// Set(5) { 'constructor', 'func5', 'func6', 'func7', 'func8' }


General Regex utilities.

import { Regex } from 'nodejs-shared';

// Escapes the `RegExp` special characters "^", "quot;, "\", ".", "*", "+", "?", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "|" in `string`.
Regex.escape('');// 'https://example\\.jp/\\?tag=TypeScript'

// When using your own wildcard, you can follow the metacharacters with the regular expression wildcard.
var strRegex = Regex.escape('*', { '*': '.*?' });
var regex = new RegExp(strRegex);
regex.test('');// true
regex.test('');// true
regex.test('');// false


Browser information detection utility.

import { Browser } from 'nodejs-shared';

// Detect browser information from UA.
Browser.parse('Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; Lenovo TB-8505F) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.101 Mobile Safari/537.36');
    // {
    //   platform: 'mobile',
    //   osName: 'Android',
    //   osVersion: 9,
    //   browserName: 'Chrome'
    // }
Browser.parse('Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 12_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148');
    // {
    //   platform: 'tablet',
    //   osName: 'iOS',
    //   osVersion: 12.2,
    //   browserName: 'Safari'
    // }
Browser.parse('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; YTB730; GTB7.3; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618; .NET4.0C)');
    // {
    //   platform: 'desktop',
    //   osName: 'Windows NT',
    //   osVersion: 6,
    //   browserName: 'Internet Explorer'
    // }


There are some examples in "./examples/main.ts" in this package.Here is the first one to get you started.


MIT licensed