
Node.js Report Utility

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import noderpt from '';


Node Report Server (MySQL only now!)

Simple MySQL DB SQL to JSON mapping module, and also provide web function to render table.


npm install noderpt


Few steps to build the report...

Step1: Config the DB and SQL mapping file

The database config file's path need to export to environment and the config will like:

  "host": "database.ip.address",
  "port": 3306,
  "user": "dbuser",
  "password": "dbpassword",
  "database": "dbname"

You need to create a config file inside your project, in our sample we create the report config in $project/report.

You can use json format config

  "name": "queryUserInfo",
  "sql" : "select * from user where 1=1 ",
  "conditions": [
    {"field":"USERNAME", "condition":"and username = ?"},
    {"field":"USER_ID", "condition":"and user_id = ?"}
  "endsql": "order by 1"

Or using xml format config

  <sql>select * from user where 1=1</sql>
    <field>USERNAME</field> <condition>and username = ?</condition>
    <field>USER_ID</field> <condition>and user_id = ?</condition>
    order by 1

In the configuration, the fields are:

  • name: report name
  • sql: the main sql block, that is static and will combined with conditions and endsql directly
  • conditions: you can have many conditions to let query bring into query, in the api, if you specify a query string in the end of rest url and the parameter will combine the condition to sql
  • endsql: the final sql, like "order by", "group by"..., that will combine to the end of sql statement

Testing your configure (test.js)

var rpt = require('./lib');
    dbCfgFile: '/root/project/report/lib/.database.cfg',
    rptConfigPath: '/root/project/report/report/',
    reportDoc: '/report/restdoc'

rpt.getRptFromConfig('simple.rpt.xml', false, function(d){


After run the test.js, you will get a query result of the configure file as a json array format.

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