
Bridges a Nginx reverse proxy to a Node.js service using Unix sockets

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodesockd from '';


Node.js Socket Daemon

This tool is the missing link between a Nginx reverse proxy and a Node.js backend service. Typically setups like this bind the backend service to a port on the loopback interface, which is secure enough, but adds some overhead. There are some pitfalls to switching over to UNIX sockets though, and this package aims to address them in one fell swoop:

  • atomic deploy
  • multiple workers supported
  • workers are automatically restarted on failure

You can do all of these and more using tools like pm2 and naught, but none of those support UNIX sockets. If that's as big of a deal for you as it was for me, this tool has your back!


You can install the tool globally using this command:

npm install --global nodesockd

Note that you'll probably need to run this as root or using sudo unless your NPM setup allows unprivileged users to install global packages. Alternatively you can install the tool locally as a direct dependency of your project using:

npm install --save nodesockd



First of all, this tool assumes that you're running Nginx as the www-data, _www or similar system user and that you have a separate system user for your application, let's call it e.g. myapp. You'll need to create a temp directory for the sockets that Nginx uses to communicate with your app. This directory and the permissions you'll set on it are vital to how this tool was designed to work, so take care to understand what's going on properly. For the sake of the example we'll assume the directory is /var/run/myapp.

To set the proper ownership and permissions on your temp directory, run the following commands (replacing myapp, www-data and /var/run/myapp as appropriate):

chown myapp:www-data /var/run/myapp
chmod u=rwx,g=rsx,o= /var/run/myapp

The first command makes the temp directory owned by the myapp user and the www-data group. The second command allows myapp to read and write the directory, allows the www-data group to read it and forbids anyone else from accessing it at all; but perhaps the most important thing it does is set the SETGID bit (that's the s in g=rsx). When a directory has this bit set, any new file anyone creates within the directory will automatically be owned by the same group as the directory itself. Note that you'll have to run both of these commands as root or using sudo.

Integration within your app

There are three distinct things your app needs to do in order to work with nodesockd:

  1. Accept an environment variable defining the path to the socket it should listen on.
  2. When the app is online and ready to handle requests, it should notify nodesockd of this fact using process.send('online').
  3. When the app receives the shutdown message, it should gracefully quit.

An example of how this would be done in an Express app:

const server = app.listen(process.env.LISTEN_ON, () => {
  if (process.send) {

    process.on('message', message => {
      if (message === 'shutdown') {
        server.close(() => process.exit(0));

Note that this example allows you to run the app locally as usual - if the app wasn't run using nodesockd, the process.send method won't exist, so all of the internal integration will silently do nothing. The only thing you'd have to provide yourself is the LISTEN_ON environment variable; this can be done inline when running the app (e.g. LISTEN_ON=8000 npm start to run the app on http://localhost:8000), or using dotenv or something similar.

Once your app is ready for prime time, you can run it using the nodesockd command. The command has the following options:

  • -s or --script: path to the main script file of your app
  • -l or --listen-var: name of the environment variable defining the socket path (defaults to LISTEN_ON)
  • -t or --tmp-dir: path to the temp directory created previously
  • -o or --socket-file: socket file name pattern (more on that shorty)
  • -i or --ipc-file: name of an IPC file the tool uses internally (defaults to nodesockd.ipc)
  • -w or --workers: number of workers to launch and oversee (defaults to 1)
  • -e or --env: whitelist of environment variables to pass down to workers; may be specified multiple times
  • -p or --output-prefix: format string for stdout and stderr prefix for workers; can include {date}, {worker} and {instance} placeholders
  • -c or --config: path to a config file where you can define all of the above

You can put the options in a JSON config file; the config keys are camelCase versions of the --long-options. You can also combine a config file with command-line options, this can be useful in some edge cases which we'll describe later. If you provide the -c or --config option, all other paths (both those specified in the config file and those you pass in other command line arguments) will be resolved relative to the config file (unless they are already absolute); otherwise all such paths will be resolved relative to the current working directory. Options passed on the command line take precedence over options defined in the config file.

The socketFile option is used to specify a pattern for socket file names as seen from Nginx. If you only intend to run a single worker you can just specify a file name; if you wish to run multiple workers you need to specify a pattern including the {worker} placeholder somewhere. E.g. if you run a single worker, socketFile can be myapp.sock, and if you run multiple, it can be myapp.{worker}.sock. The tool will assign each worker its own socket in the tmpDir directory, so using the example values from earlier, if you specify myapp.sock and 1 as socketFile and workers, respectively, the full path to the socket will be /var/run/myapp/myapp.sock. If you instead specify myapp.{worker}.sock and 3, the workers will be assigned the following sockets:


Integration with Nginx

Example configuration for a single worker:

server {
  listen 80;
  listen [::]:80;


  location / {
    proxy_pass http://unix:/var/run/myapp/myapp.sock:/;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;

Example configuration for multiple workers:

upstream myapp {
  server unix:/var/run/myapp/myapp.0.sock;
  server unix:/var/run/myapp/myapp.1.sock;
  server unix:/var/run/myapp/myapp.2.sock;

server {
  listen 80;
  listen [::]:80;


  location / {
    proxy_pass http://myapp;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;

You can leverage the extensive load-balancing features of Nginx to configure which worker will handle which request.


Once you've prepared the temporary directory, implemented the required integration features within your app, prepared a config file for nodesockd and updated your Nginx configuration, you can start the app using the following command:

nodesockd --config /path/to/your/app/nodesockd.json

Use /path/to/your/app/node_modules/.bin/nodesockd or npx nodesockd instead of nodesockd if you installed nodesockd as a local dependency in your project instead of globally.

The workers can be started, stopped and restarted using nodesockd start, nodesockd stop and nodesockd restart, respectively. In order for these commands to be able to talk to the running instance of nodesockd, you'll either need to specify the --config option, or the --ipc-file option providing the full path to the IPC file the running instance uses. Unless you provided an absolute path for ipcFile when running the daemon, the IPC file will be created in the tmpDir directory.

Atomic deployment with database migrations

Chances are that your app uses some kind of database backend and also that your database backend sometimes needs to be updated as part of the deployment pipeline of your app. You may be using something like TypeORM and its migrations, which means that your deployment pipeline would include building the new version of your app, applying database migrations and restarting your app's workers. Well, the issue is that between applying migrations and restarting workers there will still be a short window when your old workers are up, but the database has already been changed, and the old workers mightn't enjoy that very much. If you were to swap the order of actions so that new workers are started before the migrations are applied then the new workers could suffer from the same issue.

Node Socket Daemon offers a solution for this issue: start your new workers in a suspended mode where all incoming requests are put on hold, apply migrations and tell workers to resume normal operation. All requests that arrived when workers were in suspended mode will be processed as usual, they'll only be slightly delayed (that is if your migrations only take a second or two to run).

In an Express context you could implement that like this:

const { suspend } = require('nodesockd');

// apply this as the first middleware in the pipeline
// so that it is used for all requests:

The suspend() function exported from nodesockd returns a Promise which you can await in your app to delay things until after migrations have been applied; the middleware is a wrapper which makes this work with Express. The internal promise is resolved when the resume message is received (via process.on('message')).

Then in your deployment pipeline you need to:

  • restart workers using nodesockd restart --suspended
  • apply database migrations
  • resume workers using nodesockd resume

Of course if your app is a single-page app it's still possible that some of your users will have an older version of the front-end code loaded in their browser, which may lead to conflicts with a newer backend API, but that's something you'll need to solve on your own.