
This tool abstracts out the deployment process for all of my projects. On each run it does the following:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import noodleDeploy from '';




This tool abstracts out the deployment process for all of my projects. On each run it does the following:

  • Reads data form a Dynamo table about my projects, this will be used if I want to deploy a certain project to a different server
  • Generates a deployment script which include:
    • Pulling the latest vesion of the project
    • Any decryption of credentials that needs doing
    • Building the project
    • Running the project
  • Executes the above deployment script


noodle-deploy -s "secret" -p "project_name" -t "build/src/app.js";


  • -s - The secret, required to access my Dynamo table, also used when executing the deployment script
  • -p - The name of the project
  • -t - The target that we want our deployment script to start running
  • -h - The help page