
nope.db simple JSON database for nodejs.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nopeDb from '';



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Simple, convenient JSON database for nodejs.

Released v0.0.9 now. You can see changes on changelog.

Getting Started

Installing the npm package

$ npm install nope.db

Usage of nope.db

const nopedb = require("nope.db");
const db = new nopedb({
    path: "./path/of/database.json",
    seperator: ".",
    spaces: 2


  • new nopeDB(settings)
    • add(id, value)
    • all()
    • clear()
      • reset()
    • delete(id)
      • remove(id)
    • get(id)
      • fetch(id)
    • has(id)
    • push(id, value)
    • set(id, value)
    • subtract(id, value)
  • DatabaseError

new nopeDB(settings)

Creates or gets a database file

  • Params:
    • settings - An object with the settings
      • settings.path - The path of the database (must be an absolute path / the folder should be created)
      • settings.seperator - Seperator for the ID's
      • settings.spaces - The spaces of the database file
  • Throws: DatabaseError() - If there are no settings or any settings are invalid


add(id, value)

Adds the value of an element in the database

  • Params:
    • id - The ID of the element
    • value - The value to be added
  • Returns: Number - Result
  • Throws: DatabaseError() - If the ID or value is invalid


Return the all data on the database

  • Returns: Object - The all data


Deletes all the data in database / .reset() method is same

  • Returns: true - Indicates that it was cleared


Deletes element from database / .remove() method is same

  • Params:
    • id - The ID of the element
  • Returns: Boolean - Indicates that it was deleted
  • Throws: DatabaseError() - If the ID is invalid


Gets the element on the database / .fetch() method is same

  • Params:
    • id - The ID of the element
  • Returns: * - The data
  • Throws: DatabaseError() - If the ID is invalid


Checks for data in the database

  • Params:
    • id - The ID of the element
  • Returns: Boolean - Indicates presence
  • Throws: DatabaseError() - If the ID is invalid

push(id, value)

Pushs the data in a array from database

  • Params:
    • id - The ID of the element
    • value - The pushed element
  • Returns: Array - The array of the ID
  • Throws: DatabaseError() - If the ID or value is invalid

set(id, value)

Sets the value of an element in the database

  • Params:
    • id - The ID of the element
    • value - The value to be setted
  • Returns: * - The value setted
  • Throws: DatabaseError() - If the ID or value is invalid

subtract(id, value)

Subtracts the value of an element in the database

  • Params:
    • id - The ID of the element
    • value - The value to be subtract
  • Returns: Number - Result
  • Throws: DatabaseError() - If the ID or value is invalid


Extends Error, only used for error reference