
NOPJS is a library for building web solutions that require speed in the development and execution. NOP wants to be simple and intuitive and enclose into the thing you need in a few instructions. Is lightweight and powerful scripting easy to use with binding, templating and routing solution. BINDING DATA & DOM STRUCTURE Simple interpretation and modification of the DOM after execution and editing of DOM by nopjs. ROUTER providing a single page app routing . It supports hash based URLs and may use the History API. LIGHT & PERFORMANCE Designed to ensure high performance for results with attention to detail. Due to its small size and its structure guarantees easy use.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nopjs from '';


NOPJS is a library for building web solutions that require speed in the development and execution. NOP wants to be simple and intuitive and enclose into the thing you need in a few instructions. Is lightweight and powerful scripting easy to use with binding, templating and routing solution. BINDING DATA & DOM STRUCTURE Simple interpretation and modification of the DOM after execution and editing of DOM by nopjs. ROUTER providing a single page app routing . It supports hash based URLs and may use the History API. LIGHT & PERFORMANCE Designed to ensure high performance for results with attention to detail. Due to its small size and its structure guarantees easy use.