
noradle http gateway for plsql servlet

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import noradleHttp from '';



  • create a DBPool instance
  • embed noradle.handlerHTTP for a node http server
  • join static with expressjs
  • use with experssjs(static) / harp / example

create a DBPool instance

var DBDriver = require('noradle-nodejs-client').DBDriver;
var dbPool = DBDriver.connect([port, host], {cid : 'client_identifier', passwd : 'password for the client'})
  • [port,host] is the same parameters as net.connect API
  • 2nd parameter is cid:passwd, to allow noradle dispatcher to accept connection

noradle.HTTP for a node http server

var httpHandler = require('noradle-http')(dbPool, customizedReqBase, configOptions)
  • dbPool is created by require('noradle-nodejs-client').DBDriver.connect
  • customizedReqBase is a constructor function who can set name-value pairs to send to oracle, like internal ReqBase
  • configOptions is customized configuration object that set or override default options, all available cfg is here
  • what require('noradle-http') return is just a normal node http handler like function(request, response){...}

join static with express

  • noradle doesn't support static file service
  • you can use express's static module or any static service module
  • you can use express or other node http server module to set route to noradle servlet and static module, combine them in one http server
var express = require('express')
  , app = express()

app.use('/staticMountPoint/', express.static('/some-mount-point-for-static-files/noradle-demo/static'));


a servlet only http server

  • only dynamic plsql servlet server, without static file service
  • use node's internal http module only, no express included
  • no customized ReqBase
  • use default configuration for noradle.HTTP
var DBDriver = require('noradle-nodejs-client').DBDriver
  , dbPool = DBDriver.connect([8019, 'qhtapp1'], {cid : 'demo', passwd : 'demo'})
  , pspHandler = require('noradle-http')(dbPool)
  , http = require('http')

a servlet only http server with customized ReqBase

  • in customized ReqBase(a constructor function), set to create or replace name-value pair that's about to send into oracle
  • some name like "x$xxx" have special meaning, that control the servlet processing behavior, see oraReq-control-headers
function myReqBase(req, cfg){
  // set some name-value pair to oracle, in plsql, r.getc('name1') will get 'value1'
  this.name1 = 'value1';
  // map all request to plsql procedure ""
  this.x$prog = 'basic_io_b.req_info';
var DBDriver = require('noradle-nodejs-client').DBDriver
  , dbPool = DBDriver.connect([8019, 'qhtapp1'], {cid : 'demo', passwd : 'demo'})
  , pspHandler = require('noradle-http')(dbPool, myReqBase)
  , http = require('http')

a servlet only http server with customized config

  • you can provide none-default configuration (a object type) for noradle.HTTP
var DBDriver = require('noradle-nodejs-client').DBDriver
  , dbPool = DBDriver.connect([8019, 'qhtapp1'], {cid : 'demo', passwd : 'demo'})
  , pspHandler = require('noradle-http')(dbPool, {
    static_url : '',
    upload_dir : __dirname + '/upload'
  , http = require('http')

a servlet and static server using express

  • mount static handler for "/demo1/" first, avoid go through noradle.HTTP handler for every static request
  • in "myReqBase", tell noradle the base url for static url reference is "/demo1/"
var staticMountPoint = '/demo1/';

function myReqBase(req, cfg){
  this.y$static = staticMountPoint;

var DBDriver = require('noradle-nodejs-client').DBDriver
  , dbPool = DBDriver.connect([8019, 'qhtapp1'], {cid : 'demo', passwd : 'demo'})
  , pspHandler = require('noradle-http')(dbPool, myReqBase)
  , express = require('express')
  , app = express()

app.use(staticMountPoint, express.static('/Users/cuccpkfs/dev/project/noradle-demo/static'));