

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import norify from '';


🚀 Get Up and Running in few seconds

  1. Install the norify.

    npm install -g norify
  2. Create a NodeJS API starter from CLI.

    # create a new starter
  3. Go Inside Generated Project.

    cd ./geneatedProject
  4. Add Values Inside ENV Variables.

  5. Start Server.

    npm start

️🤝 Implemented / Ongoing (PR welcome) 🤝

Feature 🔰 Done
ES6+ with Babel Node ✔️
ENV ✔️
Live reload (nodemon + babel) ✔️
Role Based Authentication ✔️
Mongoose and CRUD ✔️
Scalable Database Schema ✔️
Mongoose Debug ✔️
Forgot Password ✔️
Mail Send ✔️
Global Error Catch ✔️
Sorting ✔️
Limit fields ✔️
Pagination ✔️
File Upload (using Object storage)
Image Processing (using web worker)
Streaming of file
PM2 ready deployment
GraphQL Version (coming up next)

Authentication Explaination

User Schema

SignUp and SignIn

Forgot Password & Authorization

:memo: License

Licensed under the MIT License.