
String normalization with removal spaces and/or words.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import normalizeWords from '';


Normalize Words from String



  • Automatic removal of spaces and tabs.
  • Normalization of words with options: UPPERCASE, lowercase, Uppercase the first letter of the string, First letter of all capitalized words.
  • Set the minimum string length to normalization.
  • Set the maximum string size to normalization.
  • Do not normalize words with specific length.
  • Remove words from the string through a list (array).
  • Remove characters from the string through a list (array).
  • Enables user customized functions to complement normalization.
  • Full Typescript compatibility.


Install with NPM or YARN:

$ npm i normalize-words


$ yarn add normalize-words


Options {object}

Function Normalization

normalizeWords(): string

Returns the normalized string.

String normalization with removal spaces and/or words.
This function requires an object with the properties for normalizing the string.

  str: 'my cRazY String',
  transformType: 'toFirst'


str: string

Original String to normalize.
This property is mandatory for normalization.

transformType: 'toUpper' | 'toLower' | 'toFirst' | 'toFirstAll'

This property is mandatory for type of normalization.

minLength: number


Minimum of characters required for normalization.

maxLength: number


Maximum character limit accepted for normalization.

ignoreByLength: number


Do not normalize words with a specific length.

removeWords: string[]


Removes specific words from the string based on the array list.

NOTE: Words list is not case sensitive.

removeCharacters: string[]


Remove specific characters from the string based on the array list.

NOTE: Words list is not case sensitive. Only one letter per index is allowed.

applyMethod: Function


Any function to perform after normalizing the string.

How to use


Basic Usage:

{ transformType: 'toUpper' | 'toLower' | 'toFirst' | 'toFirstAll' }

const { normalizeWords } = require('normalize-words');

    str: '  my    cRazY String  ',
    transformType: 'toUpper'

// Returns: "MY CRAZY STRING"

  • Basic Typescript example:
import { normalizeWords } from 'normalize-words';

    str: '  my    cRazY String  ',
    transformType: 'toFirstAll'

// Returns: "My Crazy String"

With "Word" Removal:

{ removeWords: string[] }

const { normalizeWords } = require('normalize-words');

    str: '  my    cRazY String  ',
    transformType: 'toUpper',
    removeWords: ['My']

// Returns: "CRAZY STRING"

With "Character" Removal:

{ removeCharacters: string[] }

const { normalizeWords } = require('normalize-words');

    str: '  my    cRazY String  !!',
    transformType: 'toUpper',
    removeCharacters: ['m', 'Y', '!']

// Returns: "CRAZ STRING"

With "Minimum and Maximum Character Length" to normalize:

{ minLength: number , maxLength: number }

const { normalizeWords } = require('normalize-words');

    str: 'john pallozo',
    transformType: 'toFirstAll',
    minLength: 5, // String less than 5 characters, will return an error.
    maxLength: 20 // String longer than 20 characters, will return an error.

// Returns: "John Pallozo"

Do not normalize words with specific length:

{ ignoreByLength: number }

const { normalizeWords } = require('normalize-words');

    str: 'city of venice is located in italy',
    transformType: 'toFirstAll',
    ignoreByLength: 2

// Returns: "City of Venice is Located in Italy"

// Note: The words: "is" and "in" have not been normalized.

Optional Function to string treatment:

{ applyMethod: Function }

const { normalizeWords } = require('normalize-words');

    str: 'john pallozo',
    transformType: 'toFirstAll',
    applyMethod: (normalizedString) => {
        return normalizedString + ' - Full Stack Developer.';

// Returns: "John Pallozo - Full Stack Developer."

// Note: The parameter "normalizedString" in the fuction is mandatory because 
//       it contains the "Normalized String" previously.

  • Another example with Typescript:
import { normalizeWords } from 'normalize-words';

    str: 'divide string',
    transformType: 'toUpper',
    applyMethod: (normalizedString: string): string[] => {
        return normalizedString.split('');

// Returns: [ 'D', 'I', 'V', 'I', 'D', 'E', ' ', 'S', 'T', 'R', 'I', 'N', 'G']

Complete example of normalization:

const { normalizeWords } = require('normalize-words');

    str: '@joHN   paLLozO!    any word!!',
    transformType: 'toFirstAll',
    removeWords: ['any', 'word'],
    removeCharacters: ['@', '!'],
    minLength: 5,
    maxLength: 30,
    ignoreByLength: 2,
    applyMethod: (normalizedString: string): string => {
        return normalizedString + ' - Full Stack Developer.';

// Returns: "John Pallozo - Full Stack Developer."

Example of normalization with options reuse:

const { normalizeWords } = require('normalize-words');

const baseOptions = {
    transformType: 'toFirst',
    minLength: 5,
    maxLength: 30,
    ignoreByLength: 2

const options1 = {
    str: 'my CrasY striNG',

const options2 = {
    str: 'john f pallozo!',
    transformType: 'toFirstAll',
    removeCharacters: ['!'],

const mergedOptions = {
    applyMethod: (normalizedString) => {
        return `I'm ${normalizedString}, Full Stack Developer.`;


normalizeWords( options1 );
// Returns: "My crazy string"

normalizeWords( options2 );
// Returns: "John F Pallozo"

normalizeWords( mergedOptions );
// Returns: "I'm John F Pallozo, Full Stack Developer."

