
An database index for flumedb that only stores sequence/offset. It's a [Log Structured Merge-tree]( except it doesn't store keys, only pointers to the values which are stored in the main flumelog.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import normalizedIndex from '';



An database index for flumedb that only stores sequence/offset. It's a Log Structured Merge-tree except it doesn't store keys, only pointers to the values which are stored in the main flumelog.

This means that sorted data is fixed width, so is easy to binary search. And most importantly, it means the indexes are very small. If a 32 bit offset is used (for databases up to 4 gb) then an index for a million records is only 4 mb, on the other hand, the size of a denormalized LSM will depend on key size. Compound indexes (with more than one key) are even more expensive for a denormalized index, but the same cost for a normalized index.

The advantage of small indexes is that it becomes cheap to have many indexes, 10-for-the-price-of-one. This being a significant advantage for ad-hoc queries.


This was the original idea that inspired flumedb


This design uses simple binary search on top of sorted pointer arrays indexes. (aka, normalized-indexes) and then merges those, a la LSM trees. So far I'm just using a simple binary search, and to merge, using a slightly clever approach that merges really fast if there are runs in the merge. If we are merging A and B, say we take ~N from A and then ~M from B, this gets faster as N and M are bigger as they get nearer to 1 it becomes just like merging two streams.

To improve this, I realized that you do not need to do a whole binary search each time. In fact, if you have arrived at a current result from a binary search then it implies that certain other records have already been looked at, since the indexes examined in a binary search are deterministic. Theifore, to search for the next value, we can rewind the binary search to the place that it would have diverted - if the next value we are seeking is only slightly greater than the current, the same path would be followed, until somewhere near the end. So, rewind and continue searching from that state. Also, since we read them recently, these values will already be in the cache! so reading them will be very fast.

This improves read efficiency significantly! In an experiment where the first record in an index is read, then records at varying distances, the number of reads used is graphed, depending on wether another full binary search is used, or reversing the search then searching, or just iterating over the dataset.


(note to self: the script to generate this data is in binary-search-async/test/seek.js)

The bottom axis is the average distance we want to jump ahead. Iteration always costs the same because it just reads everything, giving us a lower bound. Seek and Search are both worse than simple iteration at low numbers, but Seek becomes better if the average distance jumped is 5, but but search doesn't become better than iteration until the average is 15!

Seeking is definitely effective, but it's also necessary to switch to iteration if the average distance jumped is too low. Probably a rule of thumb is sufficient in practice, because the real world performance is probably related to application factors.

Also note: the worst case is merging two equal sized uniformly random data sets. (hmm, or data with the same keys, so that each run was only 1 item long) However, if one data set is much larger than the other, then you get good runs again! So this should fit with log structured merge trees pretty well.


This is pretty fast already, but the memory table, which uses array+sort isn't suitable for production. next thing is to integrate skiplist-buffer which is fast enough. Also, test this with binary-format to see how much difference that makes. binary in-place makes scans really fast, so can probably use that to lazily build indexes. Rebuild the indexes when they are used in queries - if scans are fast, and the query is fast, then updating the index will probably only a few seconds, and the next query will be fast. In a new app, the initial queries will be a bit slow, but after the first use they will be really fast. If you stop using an app, (and thus stop using it's queries) the system doesn't update those indexes anymore.
