
ECMAScript 6 compliant Promise implementation with a few nice extensions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import normanPromise from '';



ECMAScript 6 compliant Promise implementation with a few nice extensions.


Creating Promises

Standard Promise API

var p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    // Do something async and eventually call resolve or reject

Defer API

var p = Promise.defer(); // Underlying promise is p.promise

// Do something async and eventually call p.resolve or p.reject

Promise.prototype methods

then(function: onFulfilled, function: onRejected)

var p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject { ... })
                .then(function (result) {
                    // this will be called if promise is fulfilled
                }, function (err) {
                    // this will be called if promise is rejected

catch(function: onRejected)

var p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject { ... })
                .catch(function (err) {
                    // this will be called if promise is rejected

Correctly catching errors

// Not recommanded: if something happen in the onFulfilled callback, onRejected will not be called
var p1 = new Promise(function (resolve, reject { ... })
                .then(onFulfilled, onRejected);
// Much better: if something happen in the onFulfilled callback, onRejected will be called
var p2 = new Promise(function (resolve, reject { ... })                 

finally(function: finalizer)

This promise extension allows having garbage collection code running without interfering with the promise chain

var p = doSomethingAsync1()
            .then(function (result) {
                return doSomethingAsync2(result);
            .finally(function () {
                // you may put cleanup code here, it will always be called
            .then (function (result2) {
                // result2 is the resolved value of doSomethingAsync2(result)

callback(function(Error, any): done)

This promise extension allows supporting optional callbacks when promise is settled

function myFunctionWithOptionalCallback(done) {
  return doSomethingAsync().callback(done);
  • p.callback(done) returns a promise which will be settled after p is settled

  • If done is a function, done will be called when p is settled

  • Callback function follows standard node.js convention:

    • if promise is fulfilled, result is passed as second parameter

    • if promised is rejected, error is passed as first parameter

Promise.prototype properties

id: Number

Unique promise identifier (could be useful for debugging)

result: any

Once the promise is settled this property returns the promise result or reject error


The status of the promise, possible values are

  • Promise.PENDING

  • Promise.FULFILLED

  • Promise.REJECTED

Promise constructor methods

Promise.resolve(any: resolution)

Returns a promise resolved with the given resolution. If the resolution is a Promise or a thenable object, the resulting promise will be settled when the resolution is settled and fulfilled or rejected accordingly.

Promise.reject(Error: err)

Returns a rejected promise with reason err.

Promise.cast(any: wrapped)

Returns a promise wrapping the wrapped input.

  • if wrapped is a Promise, Promise.cast returns wrapped itself

  • otherwise, Promise.cast is equivalent to Promise.resolve.

Promise.all(Promise[]: promises)

Returns a promise with the following properties.

  • It will be fulfilled if/when all promises in promises array are fulfilled. In that case, it is fulfilled with an array of the promises results.

  • it will be rejected if/when one the promises is rejected. In that case it is rejected with the reason of the rejected promise.

Promise.race(Promise[]: promises)

Returns a promise fulfilled/rejected with the result of the first promise to be settled.

Promise.waitAll(Promise[]: promises)

Returns a promise with the following properties

  • It will be settled when all promises are settled.

  • If all promises are fulfilled, Promise.all will be fulfilled with an array of the promise results

  • If at least one promise is rejected, Promise.all will be rejected with an error object with a detail property

    • detail.failCount contains the number of rejected promises

    • detail.errors is an array of promise reject errors: if k-th promise is rejected detail.errors[k] contains the corresponding error otherwise detail.errors[k] is undefined

    • detail.results is an array of promise results: if k-th promise is fulfilled detail.results[k] contains the corresponding result otherwise detail.result[k] is undefined

Promise.invoke(function: fn, ...)

Convert a standard node.js callback-based call to a promise-based one

var fs = require("fs");

var p = Promise.invoke(, "tempFile.txt", "r")
          .then(function (fd) {
            // If method returns a single value it is available as promise result
            var buffer = new Buffer(4096);
            return Promise.invoke(, fd, 0, 4096, 0)
                .then(function (result) {
                  // If method returns multiple values, the promise result wraps them in an array
                  var bytesRead = result[0];
                  var buf = result[1];