
Skeleton for a small single page application based on dynamic imports.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nosta from '';



This is a skeleton for a small single page application. This project comes without dependencies. By following a few conventions while utilizing modern JavaScript features like Dynamic Imports, we circumvent the weightiness of our usual web development stack.

How it works

The file structure looks like this:

$ tree
├── about
│   ├── app.js
│   ├── index.html -> ../index.html
│   └──
├── app.js
├── index.html
├── js
│   └── marked.esm.js
├── nosta.js
└── style.css

There is nothing more about it. Start by looking at the index.html file. This is where the layout gets defined, global style included and Nosta takes over:

import { Nosta } from '/nosta.js'
  elements: {

Nosta is a tiny JavaScript (<40 LOC) which provides basic routing via pushState. On route change the components app.js is loaded. For example, when you browse to /about/, the JavaScript module located in /about/app.js is loaded and executed.

Let's take a look at how an app.js looks like:

import marked from '/js/marked.esm.js'

export const App = async ({ elements: { article } }) => {
  const readme = await fetch('/', { cache: 'no-cache' }) 
  const text = await readme.text()

  article.innerHTML = marked(text)

First of all we import the Marked library, which is globally available in the js directory. The app must expose an App function. It receives some configuration passed from the html file and then this file, gets fetched, rendered by Marked and inserted into the dom. And that's mostly it.

Features and Unfeatures

  • Lazy loading of js dependencies via Dynamic Imports
  • Runs on every webserver (but also sadly needs one, does not work on filesystem)
  • Zero dependencies, just a few lines of code
  • A few conventions only
  • Works with every framework
  • Decoupling: components of the app can be run individually and can include other frameworks (react, d3, threejs, prosemirror)
  • ES6 syntax & features, only modern browser support
  • Use filesystems links to provide server side pushState compatibility
  • Offline installable, architecture enables asset caching (not implemented yet)

Thanks for reading. If you find this interesting, consider contributing to the project :) I'd love to hear from you.
