
!React: A javascript library for creating user interfaces

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import notReact from '';



It's a State-Manager (MVC) for Javascript

require('assert')(!React !== React, 'Not-React is Not React');

Methods: createClass, createElement

const notReact = require('not-react');

const nrElement = notReact.createElement(tag, attributes, children);
nrElement.render(); // returns the element html string

const nrClass = notReact.createClass({ render: () => { ... }});
nrClass.setState({ ... }); // returns the class value based on the state


I am a fan of simple things. I also like to break things down to make them more understandable. Additionally, I am not a huge fan of being told what not to do. SO. What I have decided to do is make a module that mimics what I think is good in React, but without many of the opinions and yelling. For example: (1) I do not care if you choose to modify the state directly. You probably shouldn't, but who am I to judge your use case. (2) I encourage you to modify the props directly. Yes you can get yourself into trouble, but you are a capable developer right??? It's just Javascript after all.

The Way I See It

The state should only contain the items that when changed will lead to a unique class value. These items should also not be dependent on anything else within the class. If you find yourself in the situation where you have a state change that depends on another state change then you probably need to move that to the props and do your calculating within the stateWillChange lifecycle method. The props are a great place to calculate anything that depends on a state change and ultimately is used to render the class value

Usgae (ES5/ES6 Compatible):

// /////  ///// // /////  ///// // /////  ///// // /////  ///// // /////  /////
// ES6
const hello = require('not-react').createClass({
  getInitialState: () => ({ name: 'Louis' }),
  render: (state) => `<h1>${}</h1>`

hello.setState(); // returns '<h1>Louis</h1>'
hello.setState({name: 'John'}); // returns '<h1>John</h1>'

// /////  ///// // /////  ///// // /////  ///// // /////  ///// // /////  /////
// ES5
var hello = require('not-react').createClass({
  getInitialState: function () { return { name: 'Louis' }; },
  render: function (state) { return '<h1>' + + '</h1>'; }

hello.setState(); // returns '<h1>Louis</h1>'
hello.setState({name: 'John'}); // returns '<h1>John</h1>'

// /////  ///// // /////  ///// // /////  ///// // /////  ///// // /////  /////

REMEMBER!!! Arrow functions droped this binding :( SO: make sure to use traditional functions if you intend to access class properties (like this.props, or this.userDefinedProp)

Gif State Manager Example:

const status = require('not-react').createClass({
  getInitialState: () => ({ status: 'pending' }),
  getDefaultProps: () => ({
    gif: null,
    gifs: {
      pending: '',
      success: '',
      fail: ''
  stateWillChange: function (currentState, nextState) {
    this.props.gif = this.props.gifs[nextState.status];
  render: function () {
    // return a markdown gif string
    return '![](@gif@)'.replace('@gif@', this.props.gif);

status.setState(); // returns '![]('
status.setState({ status: 'fail' }); // returns '![]('
status.setState({ status: 'success' }); // returns '![]('

Initial Values:

  1. function getInitialState // This method should return the initial class state
  2. function getDefaultProps // This method should return the initial class props

Lifecycle Methods:

  1. function setState(state) // The user will invoke the setSate method on the class
  2. function stateWillChange(currentState, nextState) // The stateWillChange method is called on the class before the render method is called. This is a great place to render the props intended to be used in the render method.
  3. function render(state) // The main render method will be called and should return the class value based on the state
  4. function stateDidChange(currentState, previousState) // The stateDidChange method will be called after the render method call stack completes. This is a great place to process logic on the rendered application

Checkout the examples direcotry for some sweet not-react apps