
This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at or on, #swagger. For this sample, you can use the api key special-key to test the authorization filters.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nothinginthispackage1sdfdsf from '';


Getting started

This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at or on, #swagger. For this sample, you can use the api key special-key to test the authorization filters.

How to Build

The generated SDK relies on Node Package Manager (NPM) being available to resolve dependencies. If you don't already have NPM installed, please go ahead and follow instructions to install NPM from here. The SDK also requires Node to be installed. If Node isn't already installed, please install it from here

NPM is installed by default when Node is installed

To check if node and npm have been successfully installed, write the following commands in command prompt:

  • node --version
  • npm -version

Version Check

Now use npm to resolve all dependencies by running the following command in the root directory (of the SDK folder):

npm install

Resolve Dependencies

Resolve Dependencies

This will install all dependencies in the node_modules folder.

Once dependencies are resolved, you will need to move the folder SwaggerPetstoreLib in to your node_modules folder.

How to Use

The following section explains how to use the library in a new project.

1. Open Project Folder

Open an IDE/Text Editor for JavaScript like Sublime Text. The basic workflow presented here is also applicable if you prefer using a different editor or IDE.

Click on File and select Open Folder.

Open Folder

Select the folder of your SDK and click on Select Folder to open it up in Sublime Text. The folder will become visible in the bar on the left.

Open Project

2. Creating a Test File

Now right click on the folder name and select the New File option to create a new test file. Save it as index.js Now import the generated NodeJS library using the following lines of code:

var lib = require('lib');

Save changes.

Create new file

Save new file

3. Running The Test File

To run the index.js file, open up the command prompt and navigate to the Path where the SDK folder resides. Type the following command to run the file:

node index.js

Run file

How to Test

These tests use Mocha framework for testing, coupled with Chai for assertions. These dependencies need to be installed for tests to run. Tests can be run in a number of ways:

Method 1 (Run all tests)

  1. Navigate to the root directory of the SDK folder from command prompt.
  2. Type mocha --recursive to run all the tests.

Method 2 (Run all tests)

  1. Navigate to the ../test/Controllers/ directory from command prompt.
  2. Type mocha * to run all the tests.

Method 3 (Run specific controller's tests)

  1. Navigate to the ../test/Controllers/ directory from command prompt.
  2. Type mocha Swagger PetstoreController to run all the tests in that controller file.

To increase mocha's default timeout, you can change the TEST_TIMEOUT parameter's value in TestBootstrap.js.

Run Tests



In order to setup authentication in the API client, you need the following information.

Parameter Description
oAuthClientId OAuth 2 Client ID
oAuthRedirectUri OAuth 2 Redirection endpoint or Callback Uri

API client can be initialized as following:

const lib = require('lib');

// Configuration parameters and credentials
lib.Configuration.oAuthClientId = "oAuthClientId"; // OAuth 2 Client ID
lib.Configuration.oAuthRedirectUri = "oAuthRedirectUri"; // OAuth 2 Redirection endpoint or Callback Uri

You must now authorize the client.

Authorizing your client

Your application must obtain user authorization before it can execute an endpoint call. The SDK uses OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant to obtain a user's consent to perform an API request on user's behalf.

This process requires the presence of a client-side JavaScript code on the redirect URI page to receive the access token after the consent step is completed.

1. Obtain consent

To obtain user's consent, you must redirect the user to the authorization page. The buildAuthorizationUrl() method creates the URL to the authorization page. You must pass the scopes for which you need permission to access.

const oAuthManager = lib.OAuthManager;
const authUrl = oAuthManager.buildAuthorizationUrl([lib.OAuthScopeEnum.WRITEPETS, lib.OAuthScopeEnum.READPETS]);
// open up the authUrl in the browser

2. Handle the OAuth server response

Once the user responds to the consent request, the OAuth 2.0 server responds to your application's access request by redirecting the user to the redirect URI specified set in Configuration.

The redirect URI will receive the access token as the token argument in the URL fragment.

The access token must be extracted by the client-side JavaScript code. The access token can be used to authorize any further endpoint calls by the JavaScript code.


Scopes enable your application to only request access to the resources it needs while enabling users to control the amount of access they grant to your application. Available scopes are defined in the lib/Models/OAuthScopeEnum enumeration.

Scope Name Description
WRITEPETS modify pets in your account
READPETS read your pets

Class Reference

List of Controllers

Class: PetController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the PetController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.PetController;

Method: updatePet

Update an existing pet

function updatePet(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required Pet object that needs to be added to the store

Example Usage

    var body = new Pet({"key":"value"});

    controller.updatePet(body, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
400 Invalid ID supplied
404 Pet not found
405 Validation exception

Method: addPet

Add a new pet to the store

function addPet(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required Pet object that needs to be added to the store

Example Usage

    var body = new Pet({"key":"value"});

    controller.addPet(body, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
405 Invalid input

Method: findPetsByStatus

Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings

function findPetsByStatus(status, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
status Required Collection Status values that need to be considered for filter

Example Usage

    var status = [ Object.keys(Status6)[0] ];

    controller.findPetsByStatus(status, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
400 Invalid status value

Method: findPetsByTags

Muliple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.

function findPetsByTags(tags, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
tags Required Collection Tags to filter by

Example Usage

    var tags = ['tags'];

    controller.findPetsByTags(tags, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
400 Invalid tag value

Method: getPetById

Returns a single pet

function getPetById(petId, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
petId Required ID of pet to return

Example Usage

    var petId = 4;

    controller.getPetById(petId, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
400 Invalid ID supplied
404 Pet not found

Method: updatePetWithForm

Updates a pet in the store with form data

function updatePetWithForm(petId, name, status, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
petId Required ID of pet that needs to be updated
name Optional Updated name of the pet
status Optional Updated status of the pet

Example Usage

    var petId = 4;
    var name = 'name';
    var status = 'status';

    controller.updatePetWithForm(petId, name, status, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
405 Invalid input

Method: deletePet

Deletes a pet

function deletePet(petId, apiKey, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
petId Required Pet id to delete
apiKey Optional TODO: Add a parameter description

Example Usage

    var petId = 4;
    var apiKey = api_key;

    controller.deletePet(petId, apiKey, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
400 Invalid ID supplied
404 Pet not found

Method: uploadFile

uploads an image

function uploadFile(petId, additionalMetadata, file, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
petId Required ID of pet to update
additionalMetadata Optional Additional data to pass to server
file Optional file to upload

Example Usage

    TestHelper.getFilePath('url', function(data) {
        var petId = 4;
    var additionalMetadata = 'additionalMetadata';
    var file = data;

        controller.uploadFile(petId, additionalMetadata, file, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: StoreController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the StoreController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.StoreController;

Method: getInventory

Returns a map of status codes to quantities

function getInventory(callback)

Example Usage

    controller.getInventory(function(error, response, context) {


Method: createPlaceOrder

Tags: Skips Authentication

Place an order for a pet

function createPlaceOrder(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required order placed for purchasing the pet

Example Usage

    var body = new Order({"key":"value"});

    controller.createPlaceOrder(body, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
400 Invalid Order

Method: getOrderById

Tags: Skips Authentication

For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions

function getOrderById(orderId, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
orderId Required ID of pet that needs to be fetched

Example Usage

    var orderId = 4;

    controller.getOrderById(orderId, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
400 Invalid ID supplied
404 Order not found

Method: deleteOrder

Tags: Skips Authentication

For valid response try integer IDs with positive integer value. Negative or non-integer values will generate API errors

function deleteOrder(orderId, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
orderId Required ID of the order that needs to be deleted

Example Usage

    var orderId = 4;

    controller.deleteOrder(orderId, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
400 Invalid ID supplied
404 Order not found

Back to List of Controllers

Class: UserController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the UserController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.UserController;

Method: createUser

Tags: Skips Authentication

This can only be done by the logged in user.

function createUser(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required Created user object

Example Usage

    var body = new User({"key":"value"});

    controller.createUser(body, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
0 successful operation

Method: createUsersWithArrayInput

Tags: Skips Authentication

Creates list of users with given input array

function createUsersWithArrayInput(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required Collection List of user object

Example Usage

    var body = [{"key":"value"}].map(function(elem) {
        return new User(elem);

    controller.createUsersWithArrayInput(body, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
0 successful operation

Method: createUsersWithListInput

Tags: Skips Authentication

Creates list of users with given input array

function createUsersWithListInput(body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required Collection List of user object

Example Usage

    var body = [{"key":"value"}].map(function(elem) {
        return new User(elem);

    controller.createUsersWithListInput(body, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
0 successful operation

Method: getLoginUser

Tags: Skips Authentication

Logs user into the system

function getLoginUser(username, password, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
username Required The user name for login
password Required The password for login in clear text

Example Usage

    var username = 'username';
    var password = 'password';

    controller.getLoginUser(username, password, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
400 Invalid username/password supplied

Method: getLogoutUser

Tags: Skips Authentication

Logs out current logged in user session

function getLogoutUser(callback)

Example Usage

    controller.getLogoutUser(function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
0 successful operation

Method: getUserByName

Tags: Skips Authentication

Get user by user name

function getUserByName(username, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
username Required The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.

Example Usage

    var username = 'username';

    controller.getUserByName(username, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
400 Invalid username supplied
404 User not found

Method: updateUser

Tags: Skips Authentication

This can only be done by the logged in user.

function updateUser(username, body, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
username Required name that need to be updated
body Required Updated user object

Example Usage

    var username = 'username';
    var body = new User({"key":"value"});

    controller.updateUser(username, body, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
400 Invalid user supplied
404 User not found

Method: deleteUser

Tags: Skips Authentication

This can only be done by the logged in user.

function deleteUser(username, callback)


Parameter Tags Description
username Required The name that needs to be deleted

Example Usage

    var username = 'username';

    controller.deleteUser(username, function(error, response, context) {



Error Code Error Description
400 Invalid username supplied
404 User not found

Back to List of Controllers