
explodes the contents of the json file into text files per module

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import noticer from '';



Note collector for node.js


let noticer = require("noticer");



  • Creates a notices folder and inside it a notices.json file and a notices folder.
  • The text has written to the notice.json file will be module-separated notes within the ./notices/notice folder.
  • If you type "..." in the last line of the last module in the .json file, new module will be added to the .json file.
  • If you type ".." in the last line of the last module in the .json file, the modules will be saved in txt format.

noticer.explode(name, length, color)

  • name(string): The default value is "notice". The name specified here creates a .json file within the notices folder and also a folder with this name in which the notes associated with the file are placed.
  • length(number): The default value is 2. By specifying this, you can set the length of the new module that can be created in .json.
  • color(string): The default value is "yellow". By specifying this, you can set the color of the information displayed in the console.