
NPM for consuming prodio notification service

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import notificationsModuleProdio from '';



Build Status

notifications-module-prodio is an node js client for the notification-service-prodio API. Integrate in to any application to send emails, sms, and push app notifications to both mobile phones and web browsers.


This project is started with an aim to reduce implementing and re-architecting common product features/requirements like notification service & thus increasing productivity and more focus on business goals. Goal of this service is to bundle and provide common features related to notification services like sending emails, sms, notifications to users, notification logs and history, events and templates creation for easier integration with web and mobile Apps.


  • Register subscribers and store all tokens
  • Send emails ( sendInBlue )
  • Template types ( email, sms and app notification )
  • Link templates with events
  • Send Push notifications by triggering events


  • Clone this repository on your server git clone
  • Navigate to your repo cd prodio-notification-service
  • Install dependencies npm install
  • Start service node . or npm start or node server/server.js
  • Open http://localhost:3000/explorer/ in your browser
  • If you've pm2 installed then use this pm2 start server/server.js --name="NOTIFICATION_SERVICE"


notification-service-prodio uses loopback as the core framework for developing API's, so all customisations, configurations, middlewares, events, and db connectors can be used which you would have used in loopback.


$ npm install notifications-module-prodio --save


Require the notifications-module-prodio module and initialize the notificationSdk client.

 const notifications = require('notifications-module-prodio');
 const notificationModule = new notifications("API BASE PATH OF NOTIFICATION SERVICE"); //http://domainname:3020/api


Sdk module provides a easy and fast way to build notifications in the product.Examples like New Member added to a team, Someone messaged you, one of your friends liked your post, etc are events. Keeping event-driven architecture in mind this service works or reacts to events, which integration with others services easier. You can trigger emails, or send notifications in response to an event.

This application will run as a separate micro-service independent of your product services which makes it easier to implement, debug and test.


1. Create Subscriber: This will Register the Subscriber as a part of the service.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string CREATESUBSCRIBER key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json { "subscriberId": "", "email": "", "phone":"", "webToken":"", "androidToken": "", "iosToken":"", metaData: {} } Json having subscriber details. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "subscriberId": "", //subscriber unique id(mandatory)
        "email": "", //subscriber email(mandatory)
        "phone": "", //(mandatory for SMS)
        "webToken": "", //(mandatory for web notifications using FCM)
        "androidToken": "", //(mandatory for push notifications using FCM)
        "iosToken": "", //(mandatory for push notifications using FCM)
        "safariToken":"",//(mandatory for safari push notifications using APN)
        "metaData": {} //JSON object - can be any user related information
    const  payload = {
        "action": "CREATESUBSCRIBER",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let subscriber = notificationModule.execute(payload);

2. Read Subscribers: This will list all the notification service subscribers with their channel tokens.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string READSUBSCRIBER key which defines the type of action to be performed YES


    const  payload = {
        "action": "READSUBSCRIBER"
    let subscriber = notificationModule.execute(payload);

3. Update Subscribers: This will update an existing or create a new notification service subscribers with their channel tokens.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string UPDATESUBSCRIBER key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json { "subscriberId": "", "email": "", "phone":"", "webToken":"", "androidToken": "", "iosToken":"", metaData: {} } Json having subscriber details. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "subscriberId": "", //subscriber unique id(mandatory)
        "email": "", //subscriber email(mandatory)
        "phone": "", //(mandatory for SMS)
        "webToken": "", //(mandatory for web notifications using FCM)
        "androidToken": "", //(mandatory for push notifications using FCM)
        "iosToken": "", //(mandatory for push notifications using FCM)
        "safariToken":"",//(mandatory for safari push notifications using APN)
        "metaData": {} //JSON object - can be any user related information
    const  payload = {
        "action": "UPDATESUBSCRIBER",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let subscriber = notificationModule.execute(payload);

4. Delete Subscriber: This will delete a notification service subscriber with their channel tokens.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string DELETESUBSCRIBER key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json { "subscriberId": ""} Json having subscriber id. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "subscriberId": "", //subscriber unique id(mandatory)
    const  payload = {
        "action": "DELETESUBSCRIBER",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let subscriber = notificationModule.execute(payload);

5. Create Event: This will create and event for which the notification has to be sent.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string CREATEEVENT key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json { "name": "", "channels": ["SMS","EMAIL"] } Json having event details. YES
List of Valid Channels
    1. SMS
    2. EMAIL
    3. WEB
    4. MOBILE


    const metaInfo = {
        "name": "WELCOME",
        "channels": ["EMAIL", "SMS"]
    const  payload = {
        "action": "CREATEEVENT",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Event = notificationModule.execute(payload);

6. Read Events: This will list all events for which the notification has to be sent.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string READEVENT key which defines the type of action to be performed YES


    const  payload = {
        "action": "READEVENT",
        "meta": {
            "name" : "eventName"
    ** Meta key is optional, if supplied only that event data(can be comma seperated strings) will be returned
    let Event = notificationModule.execute(payload);

7. Update Event: This will update an event for which the notification has to be sent.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string UPDATEEVENT key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json { "name": "", "channels": ["SMS","EMAIL"] } Json having event details. YES
List of Valid Channels
    1. SMS
    2. EMAIL
    3. WEB
    4. MOBILE


    const metaInfo = {
        "name": "WELCOME",
        "channels": ["EMAIL", "SMS"],

    const  payload = {
        "action": "UPDATEEVENT",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Event = notificationModule.execute(payload);

8. Delete Event: This will delete an event for which the notification has to be sent.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string DELETEEVENT key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json { "name": ""} Json having event name. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "name": "", //registered event name
    const  payload = {
        "action": "DELETEEVENT",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Event = notificationModule.execute(payload);

9. Create Message: This will create a message which will be sent as a notification for a registered event.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string CREATEMESSAGE key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json Refer the objet keys below Json having message data. YES


Message object keys
    1. name - string - mandatory
    2. type - string - any one from the list of channel
    3. title - string - notification title or email subject
    4. body - main content, dynamic datapoints to be replaced should be written as {{SUBSCRIBERNAME}} i.e. {{SUBSCRIBERNAME}} will be replaced by actual name while sending notification.
    5. eventName - name of the event for which the message has to be sent
    6. replyToEmail - for email notifications
    7. clickAction - for push notifications(default is blank)
    8. tag - for push notifications(default is blank)
    9. color - for push notifications(default is black)
    10. icon - for push notifications(mandatory)
    11. sound - for push notifications(default is default)
    12. show_in_foreground - for push notifications(default is true)
    13. priority - for push notifications(default is high)
    14. content_available - for push notifications(default is blank)

    const metaInfo = {
        "name" : "WELCOME_WEBMESSAGE",
        "type" : "WEB",
        "title" : "title",
        "body" : "body",
        "eventName" : "",
        "clickAction" : "",
        "tag" : "",
        "color" : "#000000",
        "icon" : "ic_launcher",
        "sound" : "default",
        "show_in_foreground" : "true",
        "priority" : "high",
        "content_available" : "true",
    const  payload = {
        "action": "CREATEMESSAGE",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Message = notificationModule.execute(payload);

10. Read Messages: This will list all messages for which the notification services.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string READMESSAGE key which defines the type of action to be performed YES


    const  payload = {
        "action": "READMESSAGE",
        "meta": {
            "name": "message name"
    ** Meta key is optional, if supplied only that event data(can be comma seperated strings) will be returned
    let Message = notificationModule.execute(payload);

11. Update Message: This will update a message which will be sent as a notification for a registered event.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string UPDATEMESSAGE key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json Refer the objet keys below Json having message data. YES


Message object keys
    1. name - string - mandatory
    2. type - string - any one from the list of channel
    3. title - string - notification title or email subject
    4. body - main content, dynamic datapoints to be replaced should be written as {{SUBSCRIBERNAME}} i.e. {{SUBSCRIBERNAME}} will be replaced by actual name while sending notification.
    5. eventName - name of the event for which the message has to be sent
    6. replyToEmail - for email notifications
    7. clickAction - for push notifications(default is blank)
    8. tag - for push notifications(default is blank)
    9. color - for push notifications(default is black)
    10. icon - for push notifications(mandatory)
    11. sound - for push notifications(default is default)
    12. show_in_foreground - for push notifications(default is true)
    13. priority - for push notifications(default is high)
    14. content_available - for push notifications(default is blank)

    const metaInfo = {
        "name" : "WELCOME_WEBMESSAGE",
        "type" : "WEB",
        "title" : "title",
        "body" : "body",
        "eventName" : "",
        "clickAction" : "",
        "tag" : "",
        "color" : "#000000",
        "icon" : "ic_launcher",
        "sound" : "default",
        "show_in_foreground" : "true",
        "priority" : "high",
        "content_available" : "true",
    const  payload = {
        "action": "UPDATEMESSAGE",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Message = notificationModule.execute(payload);

12. Delete Message: This will delete a message for which the notification services.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string DELETEMESSAGE key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json Refer the objet keys below Json having message name. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "name": "WELCOME_WEBMESSAGE"
    const  payload = {
        "action": "DELETEMESSAGE",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Message = notificationModule.execute(payload);

13. Create message using HTML template: This will create/update a message with body using the html file link.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string UPDATEMESSAGETEMPLATE key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json Refer the objet keys below Json having message and event name. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "name": "SEND_MAIL_MESSAGE",
        "type": "EMAIL",
        "title": "Request",
        "eventName": "SEND_MAIL"
    const  payload = {
        "action": "UPDATEMESSAGETEMPLATE",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Message = notificationModule.execute(payload);

14. Link Message with Event: This will link/map the given event and message for which the notifications will be sent.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string LINKEVENTMESSAGE key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json Refer the objet keys below Json having message and event name. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "messageName": "WELCOME_WEBMESSAGE",
        "eventName": "WELCOME"
    const  payload = {
        "action": "LINKEVENTMESSAGE",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Message = notificationModule.execute(payload);

15. Send Campaign Email: This will send email notification to a group of subscribers.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string SENDCAMPAIGNEMAIL key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json Refer the objet keys below Json having event, message and subscriber details. YES


List of Valid Attachment File Extensions
 "xlsx", "xls", "ods", "docx", "docm", "doc", "csv", "pdf", "txt", "gif", "jpg",
 "jpeg", "png", "tif", "tiff", "rtf", "bmp", "cgm", "css", "shtml", "html", "htm",
 "zip", "xml", "ppt", "pptx", "tar", "ez", "ics", "mobi", "msg", "pub", "eps" 
    const metaInfo = {
        "subscribers": [], //array of strings
        "eventName": "CREATE_PAYER_MAIL",
        "senderName": "", //optional
        "senderEmail": "", //optional
        "attachmentLink": "", //optional
        "props": { // Dynmic data which will be replaced {{}}
            "PAYERNAME": "",
            "MERCHANTNAME": "",
            "EMAIL": "",
            "MOBILE": "",
            "PASSWORD": "",
    const sendEmailPayload = {
        "action": "SENDCAMPAIGNEMAIL",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Message = notificationModule.execute(payload);

16. Send App Notification: This will send app push notification to both android and ios to the subscribers.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string SENDPUSHNOTIFICATION key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json Refer the objet keys below Json having event, message and subscriber details. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "subscriberId": "",
        "eventName": "CREATE_PAYER_MAIL",
        "clickAction": "", //optional
        "urlArgs": [ ], //urlFormatString arguments for safari notifiation redirection
        "props": { // Dynmic data which will be replaced {{}}
            "PAYERNAME": "",
            "MERCHANTNAME": "",
            "EMAIL": "",
            "MOBILE": "",
            "PASSWORD": "",
        "data": {
            "key": "value"
    const sendEmailPayload = {
        "action": "SENDPUSHNOTIFICATION",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Message = notificationModule.execute(payload);

    Note: The value for "urlArgs" must be an array and should contain number of items you have defined in your    		  	urlFormatString while configuring the Safari PushPackage. For example - 
    Your Website Json is as follows :
        "websiteName": "Bay Airlines",
        "websitePushID": "",
        "allowedDomains": [""],
        "urlFormatString": "",
        "authenticationToken": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        "webServiceURL": ""
    Since you have defined two "%@" argument placeholders, the "urlArgs" should contain two items as 
        metaInfo = {
            "urlArgs": ["boarding", "A998"]

17. Send Web Notification: This will send web push notification to both android and ios to the subscribers.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string SENDWEBPUSHNOTIFICATION key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json Refer the objet keys below Json having event, message and subscriber details. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "subscriberId": "",
        "eventName": "CREATE_PAYER_MAIL",
        "clickAction": "", //optional
        "props": { // Dynmic data which will be replaced {{}}
            "PAYERNAME": "",
            "MERCHANTNAME": "",
            "EMAIL": "",
            "MOBILE": "",
            "PASSWORD": "",
        "data": {
            "key": "value"
    const sendEmailPayload = {
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Message = notificationModule.execute(payload);

18. Batch creation of Subscribers: This will send web push notification to both android and ios to the subscribers.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string SUBSCRIBERBULKUPLOAD key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json Refer the objet keys below Json having event, message and subscriber details. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "link": "", // link to the excel file, refer bulk upload template
    const sendEmailPayload = {
        "action": "SUBSCRIBERBULKUPLOAD",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Subscribers = notificationModule.execute(payload);

19. Send Transactional Email: This will send email notification to the subscribers.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string SENDTRANSACTIONALEMAIL key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json Refer the objet keys below Json having event, message and subscriber details. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "subscriberId": "",
        "eventName": "CREATE_PAYER_MAIL",
        "senderName": "", //optional
        "senderEmail": "", //optional
        "attachmentLink": "",
        "props": { // Dynmic data which will be replaced {{}}
            "PAYERNAME": "",
            "MERCHANTNAME": "",
            "EMAIL": "",
            "MOBILE": "",
            "PASSWORD": "",
    const sendEmailPayload = {
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Message = notificationModule.execute(payload);

20. Create Schedule Events: This will send notifications to the subscribers based on the scheduled data.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string ADDSCHEDULEDEVENT key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json Refer the objet keys below Json having message and subscriber details. YES


List of Valid frequency if isCustom is true
    1. WEEKLY - If set to weekly customDays fields must be array having integer values from 0,1,2,3,4,5,6. 0 stands for sunday.
    2. MONTHLY - If set to weekly customDates fields must be array having integer values from 0,1,2,3,4.....31. each number is the date on which the notification will be sent
List of Valid frequency if isCustom is false
    1. ONCE - notification will be sent on the due date only
    2. DAILY - notification will be sent daily till the due date
    3. WEEKLY - notification will be sent on first day of week till the due date
    3. MONTHLY - notification will be sent on first day of month till the due date

    const metaInfo = {
        "trackingId": "", //unique and mandatory
        "subscriberId": "", //existing subscriber Id
        "messageName": "", //exisiting message
        "dueDate": "", //final date till which the notification is to be sent
        "isCustom": false, // boolean, can be true or false
        "frequency": "", //refer above for values
        "props": {}, // Dynmic data which will be replaced {{}}
        "customDays": [],
        "customDates": [],
        "senderEmail": "",//optional
        "senderName": "",//optional
        "attachmentLink": "",//optional
        "clickAction": "" //optional
    const payload = {
        "action": "ADDSCHEDULEDEVENT",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Message = notificationModule.execute(payload);

21. Delete Schedule Events: This will delete scheduled notifications for the subscriber based on the message name.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string DELETESCHEDULEDEVENT key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json Refer the objet keys below Json having message and subscriber details. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "trackingId": "", //existing
    const payload = {
        "action": "DELETESCHEDULEDEVENT",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Message = notificationModule.execute(payload);

22. Update Schedule Events: This will update scheduled notifications for the subscribers based on the message name.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string UPDATESCHEDULEDEVENT key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json Refer the objet keys below Json having message and subscriber details. YES


List of Valid frequency if isCustom is true
    1. WEEKLY - If set to weekly customDays fields must be array having integer values from 0,1,2,3,4,5,6. 0 stands for sunday.
    2. MONTHLY - If set to weekly customDates fields must be array having integer values from 0,1,2,3,4.....31. each number is the date on which the notification will be sent
List of Valid frequency if isCustom is false
    1. ONCE - notification will be sent on the due date only
    2. DAILY - notification will be sent daily till the due date
    3. WEEKLY - notification will be sent on first day of week till the due date
    3. MONTHLY - notification will be sent on first day of month till the due date

    Note: Event will be updated based on the subscriberId and messageName. So make sure it is the same as what was used while creating a scheduled event.

    const metaInfo = {
        "trackingId": "", //unique and mandatory, this will be used to update
        "subscriberId": "", //existing subscriber Id
        "messageName": "", //exisiting message
        "dueDate": "", //final date till which the notification is to be sent
        "isCustom": false, // boolean, can be true or false
        "frequency": "", //refer above for values
        "props": {}, // Dynmic data which will be replaced {{}}
        "customDays": [],
        "customDates": [],
        "senderEmail": "",//optional
        "senderName": "",//optional
        "attachmentLink": "",//optional
        "clickAction": "" //optional
    const payload = {
        "action": "UPDATESCHEDULEDEVENT",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Message = notificationModule.execute(payload);

23. List Notifications: This will list all the notifications sent to a subscriber on a particular channel.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string LISTNOTIFCATIONS key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json { "subscriberId": "", "type": "", "pageNo" : 1, "limit" : 10 } Json having event details. YES
List of Valid Types
    1. SMS
    2. EMAIL
    3. WEB
    4. MOBILE


    const metaInfo = {
        "subscriberId": "1234567890",
        "type": "EMAIL",
        "pageNo": 1,
        "limit": 10
    const  payload = {
        "action": "LISTNOTIFCATIONS",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Event = notificationModule.execute(payload);

24. Read Notification: This will mark a single notification as read.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string READNOTIFICATION key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json { "logId": "" } Json having event details. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "logId": "1234567890"
    const  payload = {
        "action": "READNOTIFICATION",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Event = notificationModule.execute(payload);

25. Read All Notification: This will mark all notifications of a channel as read.


Key Type Value Description Required
action string READALLNOTIFICATIONS key which defines the type of action to be performed YES
meta json { "subscriberId": "", "type": "" } Json having event details. YES


    const metaInfo = {
        "subscriberId": "1234567890",
        "type": "EMAIL"
    const  payload = {
        "action": "READALLNOTIFICATIONS",
        "meta": metaInfo
    let Event = notificationModule.execute(payload);