
Handy cli tool for managing Zeit Now v2 secrets with dotenv files 🙌

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nowDotenv from '';



Handy cli tool for managing Zeit Now v2 secrets with dotenv files 🙌


$ yarn global add now-dotenv

$ npm install -g now-dotenv


I did not feel like retyping secrets this morning... So I wrote CLI that use Now API to sync your Now Secrets with .env files.

Now v2 Secrets are great concept for safety and CI, but now secrets add is quite cumberstone. Here's the fix!


  • upload/sync your selected .env file secrets with NOW API
  • generate/sync your now.stage.json files with envs
  • generate typescript typings for process.env
  • support for multiple staging enviroments
  • small programmatic API for scripting



  $ now-dotenv -t TOKEN
  # or
  $ now-dotenv sync --token TOKEN

  # .env

  # run now-dotenv
  $ now-dotenv -t TOKEN
  > NowDotenv: Done!

  # now api is updated
  $ now secrets ls
  > @projectname-my-secret 0d ago

  # now.json is also updated
    env: {
      my-secret: @projectname-my-secret

Some custom use-case

  $ now-dotenv sync \
      --token TOKEN \
      # namespace as stage "prod"
      --stage prod \
      # show .env file location ( would be default)
      --env ../.env.production
      # show now.json location ( would be default)
      --project now.production.json \
      # sync now.production.json with now.json (whole, not just envs)
      --overwrite \
      # codegen typings for process.env
      --codegen \
      # log verboose
      --verbose \

Only delete secrets

  $ now-dotenv reset -t TOKEN
  # for all stages
  $ now-dotenv reset -t TOKEN --all

Only codegen typings for process.env

  $ now-dotenv codegen -t TOKEN --codegen ./types/env.d.ts


  --help           Show help                                                    [boolean]
  --version        Show version number                                          [boolean]
  --token, -t      Zeit Now API token (@default: process.env.NOW_TOKEN)         [string]
  --stage, -s      Stage name, eg. "development (@default: no staging)          [string]
  --name, -n       Project name (@default: from now.json / package.json)        [string]
  --env, -e        Dotenv file path (@default: .env.stage / .env)               [string]
  --project, -p    Location of now.json (@default: now.stage.json / now.json)   [string]
  --api, -a        Sync now secrets api (@default: true)                        [boolean]
  --json, -j       Sync now.stage.json (@default: true)                         [boolean]
  --overwrite, -o  Overwrite whole now.stage.json (@default: false)             [boolean]
  --codegen, -c    Path for proces.env typings (@default: disabled)             [string]
  --verbose, -v    Log verboose (@default: false)                               [boolean]


Usage same as CLI. Documented in JSDoc.

import { NowSecretsApi, NowDotenvOptions } from 'now-dotenv'

const opts: NowDotenvOptions = {}

const api = new NowDotenv(opts)

/** Synchronise secrets with now */
await api.syncApi()

/** Synchronise secrets with now.stage.json */
await api.syncJson()

/** Deletes all/staged previous secrets */
await api.clear()

/** Generates proces.env typings */


Not really, It was already crazy to write this incerdibly specific tool :)

Btw. you can help Zeit spec out new env system:

xkcd automation comic