
The NPFS Common UI Modules

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import npfsCommonUi from '';


National Pandemic Flu Service - Common UI modules


A library for common UI modules which need to be included in multiple UI projects.


$ npm install --save git+

NPM Registry

  • Current URL:
  • IP locked, make sure your outbound ip is on the list

Deploying NPM registry

  • Setup

      docker pull burkostya/npm-registry:2.6.6
      sudo mkdir -p /opt/data/npm-registry
      docker run --name='npm-registry' -d \
        -e 'COUCHDB_ADMIN_LOGIN=xxxxx' \
        -e 'COUCHDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=xxxxx' \
        -e 'LOGIN=xxxxx' \
        -e 'PASSWORD=xxxxx' \
        -p 5984:5984 -p 80:80 \
        -v /opt/data/npm-registry:/var/lib/couchdb \

Replace the 'xxxxx' with the correct details

Setting NPM registry

Either set it in the .npmrc by adding registry = ,ie:

    echo "registry=" | tee -a ~/.npmrc

Or set via command line:

    npm config set registry

To unset:

    npm config set registry


In the folder with package.json run:

    npm publish

this may error in follows

    npm ERR! need auth auth required for publishing
    npm ERR! need auth You need to authorize this machine using `npm adduser`

in which case run:

    npm adduser

Note: Publishing with the same version number will complain, so you will have to update the package.json each time.

add another user to be author to (need to be the original author):

    npm owner add user package


    npm owner add dominic.wood npfs-common-gulp

Find latest versions

When inside a module with .npmrc set to the npfs registry url 52.... run:

  npm search npfs

Should output something like

  NAME               DESCRIPTION                     AUTHOR       DATE       VERSION KEYWORDS
  npfs-common-gulp   NPFS Common gulp Task and Utils =admin-user… 2015-08-11 0.0.1
  npfs-common-server common server functions         =admin-user… 2015-08-11 0.0.1
  npfs-common-ui     The NPFS Common UI Modules      =admin-user… 2015-08-11 0.0.3
  npfs-rules         The NPFS Rules for /rules       =admin-user… 2015-08-11 2.5.0

Note on testing

After configuring the private npm registry. Delete .npm in your home directory and check everything still works (this holds a cache of npm libs and may create false positives that the setup is working)