
CLI that combines searching and installing packages from the npm registry

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import npmInstallSearchCli from '';



npm npm



npm install npm-install-search-cli -g
// or
yarn add npm-install-search-cli -g


npm install + search

nis [...options]

yarn add + search

yas [...options]

If you use npm for package management, you can execute nis with some of the current npm install options like --save or --save-dev or --save-prod. 1

If you use yarn for package management, you can execute yas with all of the current yarn add options like --dev or -E.

You'll be prompted to search packages in the npm registy using an autocomplete interface.


(Under the hood, the CLI is making HTTP requests to the npm registry's search API).

Once you make a selection, it should install like good 'ol npm install or yarn add!


1: The current options are -S / --save, -P / --save-prod, -D / --save-dev, -O / --save-optional, -E / --save-exact, -B / --save-bundle, -g, / --global, --no-save, and --dry-run. While not the complete list of options available via npm install, I find these options represent 99% of my usecases - feel free to open a PR if you want to add more options!