
This module can be used to convert your JSON into CSV file effeciently.Just pass your JSON array and filepath with filename. It will extract the headers and rows by itself and could handle values with commas also.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import npmJson2csv from '';


Usage Example 01: (Direct export to CSV file)
var npmJson2csv = require("npm-json2csv")
var arrayOfObjects = [{ "id": 28, "Title": "Sweden" }, { "id": 56, "Title": "USA" }]; \\json2csvfile(JSONArray,filename,FieldArray)

Usage Example 02: (Get String conversion of JSON in CSV format )
var npmJson2csv = require("npm-json2csv")
var arrayOfObjects = [{ "id": 28, "Title": "Sweden" }, { "id": 56, "Title": "USA" }];
\\convertToCSV (JSONArray,FieldArray)
var output=npmJson2csv.convertToCSV (arrayOfObjects,["Title"]);

FieldArray field is optional , which will limit the CSV to only given coloumns.