
A friendly web-component for rendering Observablehq notebooks cells as reusable encapsulated HTML tags

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import observablehqWebComponent from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/observablehq-web-component';


Observablehq Web Component

Another web experiment creating ways to publish and layouting Observablehq notebooks content.

A web component might make sense as it creates a private scope for styles, so you can import multiple cells from different notebooks.


Add the script tag to your html page

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/observablehq-web-component" defer></script>

create an <o-cell> element

<o-notebook class="flex-child" url="@d3/bar-chart" cell="chart" injections={"height":400,"color":"darkgray"}></o-cell>


I've name the component as <o-notebook> as for Observablehq notebook and <o-cell> for Observablehq cells.

This is a very simple implementation:

  • you can inject and redefine attributes from your original notebook
  • you can select different cells
  • mount the entire notebook
  • width is set from the parent wrapper, making it fully responsive to the parent layout, although, there are few problems related to this
  • you can nest under<o-notebook> multiple <o-cell> in case you want to layout multiple cells from the same notebook.


url: required

notebook handle, normally user/notebook or d/hash for shared/private notebooks

cell: optional

if you're mounting a single notebook cell, juste name it as <o-notebook cell="NAME">, if you have multiples, read below about <o-cell>

injections: optional

a JSON like string with cell values you want to override example: {"height":300,"color":"brown"}, ps it's a bit annoying a JSON string as an html attribute, however, this is the easiest way to make it simple as possible


You can nest cells from the same notebook under <o-notebook>

<o-notebook url="d/aaa64eeb1e6ec93f">
    <div class="flex">
        <o-cell name="viewof dateView" class="flex-child"></o-cell>
        <o-cell name="viewof weight" class="flex-child"></o-cell>


notebook handle, normally user/notebook or d/hash for shared/private notebooks

name: require

cell name your mounting

Example 1

<!-- multiple injections  -->
    <div class="flex">
        <o-notebook class="flex-child" url="@d3/bar-chart" cell="chart" injections={"height":300,"color":"brown"}>
        <o-notebook class="flex-child" url="@d3/bar-chart" cell="chart" injections={"height":400,"color":"red"}>
        <o-notebook class="flex-child" url="@d3/bar-chart" cell="chart" injections={"color":"gray"}></o-notebook>
    <!-- viewof cell example  -->
    <o-notebook url="@observablehq/introduction-to-views" cell="viewof point"></o-notebook>
    <!-- whole notebook example -->
    <o-notebook url="@fil/synchronized-projections"></o-notebook>

    <o-notebook class="flex-child" url="@d3/bar-chart" cell="chart" injections={"height":400,"color":"darkgray"}></o-cell>

Example 2 Dashboard

<!-- single notebook multiple cells -->
    <o-notebook url="d/aaa64eeb1e6ec93f">
        <div class="flex">
            <o-cell name="viewof dateView" class="flex-child"></o-cell>
            <o-cell name="viewof weight" class="flex-child"></o-cell>
            <o-cell name="viewof sport" class="flex-child"></o-cell>
            <o-cell name="viewof sankeyView" class="flex-child"></o-cell>
            <o-cell name="viewof medalsPieView" class="flex-child"></o-cell>
            <o-cell name="viewof nationality" class="flex-child"></o-cell>

inception example https://observablehq.com/d/dec1870d937612eb

Problems / TODOs

  • If you embed two cells from the same notebook, they won't be reactive/communicate.

Other simliar projects


I was inspired by Dataflow Bostock notebook