
Validates embedded examples in OpenAPI-JSONs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import openapiExamplesValidator from '';



Validates embedded JSON-examples in OpenAPI-specs (v2 and v3 are supported)

npm version Standard Version Run tests Coverage Status Mutation testing badge Maintainability Known Vulnerabilities Docker Hub



Install using npm:

npm install -g openapi-examples-validator


openapi-examples-validator [options] <filepath>

Validate embedded examples in OpenAPI-specs (JSON and YAML supported).
  To validate external examples, use the `-s` and `-e` option.
  To pass a mapping-file, to validate multiple external examples, use the `-m` option.

  -V, --version                              output the version number
  -s, --schema-jsonpath <schema-jsonpath>    Path to OpenAPI-schema, to validate the example file against
  -e, --example-filepath <example-filepath>  file path to example file, to be validated
  -m, --mapping-filepath <mapping-filepath>  file path to map, containing schema-paths as key and the file-path(s) to
                                             examples as value. If wildcards are used, the parameter has to be put in
  -c, --cwd-to-mapping-file                  changes to the directory of the mapping-file, before resolving the
                                             example's paths. Use this option, if your mapping-files use relative paths
                                             for the examples
  -n, --no-additional-properties             don't allow properties that are not described in the schema
  -h, --help                                 output usage information

The validator will search the OpenAPI-spec for response-examples and validate them against its schema.

If an external example has to be verified, the -s and -e option has to be used.

For example:

$ openapi-examples-validator -s $.paths./.get.responses.200.schema -e example.json openapi-spec.json

To validate multiple external examples, pass a mapping file with a similar structure along with the -m option:

  "$.paths./.get.responses.200.schema": [
  "$.paths./.get.responses.300.schema": "test/data/external-examples-invalid-missing-link.json"

Errors will be written to stderr.

Sample output of validation errors:

        "keyword": "type",
        "dataPath": ".versions[0].id",
        "schemaPath": "#/properties/versions/items/properties/id/type",
        "params": {
            "type": "string"
        "message": "should be string",
        "examplePath": "/~1/get/responses/200/examples/application~1json"


Example usage:

$ docker run --rm -i \
    --user=$(id -u) \
    -v ${PWD}:/data \
    codekie/openapi-examples-validator:latest \


  • The formats int32, float and double are supported for the type number. The format int64 is only available for the type string, though (due to the precision-limitations of Javascript).
  • The option --no-additional-properties does not work, if allOf is used to combine subschemas.
    • Enabling this flag will not apply additionalProperties to any subschemas that use these combiner keywords.
    • A warning will be logged if setting the additionalProperties flag has been skipped.


To run the tests, execute

npm test

or to check the coverage

npm run coverage