
Add user authentication and signing to any blockchain app

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import oreidJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/oreid-js';



ORE ID Helper library written in Javascript


oreid-js is a javascript helper library for interacting with the Aikon ORE ID service.

ORE ID is a simple way to add OAuth login to your blockchain enabled app.

Install npm package:

npm install oreid-js


Example code:

//Initialize the library
let oreId = new OreId({ appId, apiKey, oreIdUrl });

//Start the OAuth flow by setting the user's browser to this URL
let authUrl = await oreId.getOreIdAuthUrl({ provider, callbackUrl, backgroundColor });

//...then handle the callback results of the Auth flow
let authResults = oreId.handleAuthResponse(authCallbackResults);

//Request that the user sign a transaction by setting the user's browser to this URL
let signUrl = await oreId.getOreIdSignUrl({ account, transaction, signCallbackUrl, chainNetwork, ... });

//...then handle the callback results of the Sign flow
let signResults = oreId.handleSignResponse(signedCallbackResults);

//Get the user's info given a blockchain account
let userInfo = await oreId.getUserInfoFromApi(account);

Express Middleware

This library includes Express middleware that you can use to simplify handling the callbacks from the ORE ID service.

// authCallbackHandler middleware handles callback response from ORE ID and extracts results
app.use('/authcallback', authCallbackHandler(oreId) );

Check out the Express Server example for a complete example.

For Ethereum chains

We support Ethereum and related test networks. Just use one of the following for chainNetwork parameter in the sign request. For example...

  • 'eth_main' - Etherem Main network
  • 'eth_ropsten' - Etherem Ropsten test network
  • 'eth_rinkeby' - Etherem Rinkeby test network

For Algorand chains

We support Algorand and related test networks. Just use one of the following for chainNetwork parameter in the sign request. For example...

  • 'algo_main' - Algorand Main network
  • 'algo_test' - Algorand test network
  • 'algo_beta' - Algorand Beta test network (upcoming features)

NOTE: Algorand chains require an API Key (to be added to OreId options). You can get a free key by signing-up here

For EOS chains

We support EOS, ORE, and other EOSIO-based chains. Just use one of the following for chainNetwork parameter in the sign request. For example...

  • 'eos_main' - Eos Main network
  • 'eos_kylin' - Eos Kylin test network
  • 'eos_jungle' - Eos Jungle test network
  • 'ore_main' - ORE Main network
  • 'ore_test' - ORE test network

Using EOS Transit and/or UAL

oreid-js makes it easy for you to add many popular EOS wallets to your app. It integrates EOS Transit and UAL so that you can use any wallet they support. oreid-js is the easiest way to use EOS Transit or UAL with your app.

EOS Transit

// add the provider package for each wallet you want to support
import scatterProvider from 'eos-transit-scatter-provider';
// pass in the array of providers when you initialize the library
const eosTransitWalletProviders = [ scatterProvider(), ... ]
const oreId = new OreId({ ..., eosTransitWalletProviders });


// add the provider package for each wallet you want to support
import { Scatter } from 'ual-scatter';
// pass in the array of providers when you initialize the library
const ualWalletProviders = [ Scatter, ... ]
let oreId = new OreId({ ..., ualWalletProviders });

NOTE: You can use both UAL and Transit together however you can't pass in duplicate providers. Using ual-scatter and eos-transit-scatter-provider at the same time will result in an error.

NOTE: This project uses a forked version of Eos-Transit library to support non-Eos blockchains (package: @aikon/eos-transit).

Current Support

Algorand - AlgoSigner
Ethereum - web3 (Metamask)
Ethereum - walletConnect
EOS - Keycat
EOS - Ledger
EOS - Lynx
EOS - Meet One
EOS - Portis
EOS - Scatter
EOS - Token Pocket
EOS - Whalevault

Check out the Express Server example for a complete example.

Example projects

Refer to the examples folder in the ore-id-docs repo for the following sample projects

  • ReactJS - A simple ReactJS website that includes React Login button component

  • React Native - A React Native app that includes a React OAuth flow modal component

  • Express Server - A simple Express server that includes the use of middleware to automate handling of callbacks

  • React Passwordless - A simple ReactJS website to call the passwordless api