
Operational Transform Model Suitable For P2P

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import otP2pModel from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ot-p2p-model';


OT P2P Model

Build Status

Maintain local models for P2P based OT system

NOTE: this is still highly experimental and not in any way ready for production.

The goal is to have a working implementation of lightwave

Table of Contents


Latest Version 0.0.7

  • update to version of wayback that uses UUID to create revisions

Version 0.0.6

  • use a newer version of wayback to identify revisions
  • emit resync event when remoteOp fails

Version 0.0.5

  • uses revisions to retroactively apply remote operations using wayback
  • import and export text model and history

Version 0.0.4

  • Linting!

Version 0.0.3

  • Bugfix - view to model index translation was reporting incorrect view index

Version 0.0.2

  • Bugfix - deleting multiple characters was broadcasting the wrong index

Version 0.0.1

  • Initial implementation, updates a local and remote models, emits insert, remove and broadcast events.


  • Nothing for now, bugfixes as they come along

Quick Start

var OTP2PModel = require('otp2p-model');
var otp2pModel = new OTP2PModel();

otp2pModel.on('delete', (command) => {
  console.log(command); // log the delete details

otp2pModel.on('insert', (command) => {
  console.log(command); // log the insert details

otp2pModel.on('broadcast', (command) => {
  console.log(command); // log the broadcast details

otp2pModel.on('resync', () => {
  // couldn't apply a remote op, time to resync

// single character operations
otp2pModel.insert('a', 0); // insert `a` at 0
otp2pModel.delete(0); // delete `a` at 0

// multiple character operations
otp2pModel.insert('hello', 0); // insert `hello` at 0
otp2pModel.delete(1, 4); // delete 'ello'



Visible text representation of the model



Insert command that occurs locally (from a text box for example)

otp2pModel.insert(index, string)

index - (zero based) location of where to insert the string string - a sequence of characters


Delete command that occurs locally (from a text box for example)

otp2pModel.delete(index, numchars=1)

index - (zero based) location of where to insert the string
numchars - the number of trailing characters to delete (default=1)


Do an operation from a remote source (another peer)

otp2pModel.remoteOp(parentRevision, op)

parentRevision - The revision to apply the operation op - an op that gets applied to the model (see ot-text-tp2 for more details)



Emitted whenever local or remote insert commands are detected. If the command is remote indexes are converted to local.


Emitted whenever local or remote delete commands are detected. If the command is remote indexes are converted to local.


Emitted whenever local insert or delete commands have been applied, returns a revision and the op applied


Emitted whenever a remote operation fails.