

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ouml from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ouml';



ö.js - a small collection of useful stuff.


npm install ouml

import { random } from "ouml";
const oneOrZero = random();


import * as ö from "ouml";
const oneOrZero = ö.random();

Generators / Iterators

Helper methods for iterations, less verbose than regular loops.

ö.range( start, end, step = 1 ) yields Number

Yields Numbers within specified range. Parameters end and step are optional. If end is not provided, range starts with 0, and ends with start. Handles negative values. Useful in for of loops, for example for (let i of ö.range(100)) doStuff(i);.

ö.grid( width, height ) yields { x, y }

Yields Object with x, y coordinates. If height is omitted, width is assumed. Use like so: for (let i of ö.grid(8)) drawChessboard(i.x, i.y);.

ö.times( times, f = i => i, ...rest ) → Array

Calls a function times times, with index as argument. Additional arguments are passed on to f like so: ö.times(100, (i, a, b) => i+a+b, 'a', 'b');.

Returns an array containing the return values of f, or an array containing index values if f is undefined.

Array / Iterable

Methods for manipulating arrays or array-like objects. Inputs are coerced to Array, so String, Set and the like works as input as well. All methods are non-mutating.

ö.rangeArray( start, end, step = 1 ) → Array

Returns an Array populated with given range.

ö.unique( arr ) → Array

Returns an Array with unique entries.

ö.shuffle( arr ) → Array

Returns a new shuffled Array.

ö.sample( arr, samples = 1 ) → Array item | Array

Returns random sample from arr, or an array of samples if samples is larger than one.

ö.sum( arr ) → Number

Sums arr, with Number coercion.

ö.mean( arr ) → Number

Calculates mean value of arr, with Number coercion.

ö.median( arr ) → Number

Calculates median value of arr, with Number coercion.

ö.max( arr ) → Number

Returns largest value in arr.

ö.min( arr ) → Number

Returns smallest value in arr.

ö.groupBy( arr, prop ) → Map

Takes an Array of Objects with a common property. Returns a Map with keys corresponding to prop values, holding grouped values.

Set operations

Methods for comparing arrays or array-like objects. Inputs are coerced to Array. All methods return a new Array, or Boolean. If all inputs to these methods are Sets, the outputs adhere to strict set logic. If the inputs are Arrays, duplicate items are allowed (except in union()).

ö.intersect( a, b ) → Array

Intersection, returns elements that are members of both a and b. Example: ö.intersect([0, 1], [1, 2]) // returns [1]

ö.subtract( a, b ) → Array

Difference, returns members of a but not members of b, i.e. subtracts b from a. Example: ö.subtract([0, 1], [1, 2]) // returns [0]

ö.exclude( a, b ) → Array

Symmetric difference, returns elements that are members of a or b, but not both. Example: ö.exclude([0, 1], [1, 2]) // returns [0, 2]

ö.union( a, b ) → Array

Returns (unique) members of both a and b. Example: ö.union([0, 1], [1, 2]) // returns [0, 1, 2]

ö.isSubset( a, b ) → Boolean

Returns true if a is a subset of b.

Logical / generic

ö.isEqual( a, b, deep = true ) → Boolean

Checks equality by value rather than reference. Checks own enumerable properties only. Works for all basic types and most built in classes, but may produce unexpected results in edge cases. Equality is tricky, and depends on what you personally beleive to be equal 😇. Does deep comparison by default, and may be slow for large data structures. If deep == false, does flat comparison instead.

ö.clone( v, deep = true, immutable = false ) → cloned value

Performs cloning of the most common object types, including Array and typed arrays, Map, Set, Date and generic objects. Defaults to deep cloning, set deep to false to perform shallow cloning. Clones own enumerable properties only, and does not set prototype, so objects depending on inheritance or class instances are not cloned properly. Does not clone functions. Use with some caution 🤫.

ö.immutable(v, deep = true) immutable value

Returns a freezed clone of v. Set deep to false to make only top level immutable.

ö.pipe( v, ...funcs ) → value

Pipes function calls. For multiple arguments, use closures. Usage: ö.pipe(1, x => x*6, x => x**2, x => x+6, ö.log) => logs 42.

ö.memoise( f, keymaker ) → f

Creates and returns memoised functions. By default, the arguments to the memoised function are used as key for storing the result (If only one argument, the raw input is used as key, if more than one, the arguments are joined to a string). If the arguments are objects instead of primitive values, you should provide a keymaker. keymaker receives all inputs from the memoised function, and should return something unique to use as a Map key for a given set of inputs. Use for example JSON.stringify when you expect objects as input.

ö.createEnum(arr) → Object;

Creates and returns an enumerable, i.e. an object where the keys and values are the same. Lets you create kinda sorta vanilla typechecking light. Takes an array of strings as input. Example: const sizes = ö.createEnum(['small', 'medium', 'large']); giveMeIcecream(sizes.large);


ö.random( min, max, float = false ) → integer | Number

Shorthand for random integers between min and max-1. If max is omitted or Boolean, assumes a min value of 0. If max is Boolean, float is assumed. If float is true, returns float instead of integer.

ö.randomNormal( mean = 0, sigma = 1 ) → Number

Returns random number from reasonably approximated normal distribution, centered around mean, with more or less 68.2% of the sample set within ± sigma. Values max out at a bit above ± 3 sigma, with extreme outliers up to about ± 4 sigma. There are more mathematically accurate methods to do this, but this method is fast, and good enough for most people. Use it for fun and visuals, not for statistical analysis 🤓.

ö.round( n, precision = 0 ) → Number

Returns n rounded to precision decimals.

ö.clamp( n, min, max ) → Number

Clamps n between min and max.

ö.between( n, min, max ) → Boolean

Checks if n is between min and max.

ö.normalize( n, min, max, clamp = true ) → Number

Normalizes n to a value between 0 and 1, within range given by min and max. If clamp == true and value of n is out of range, the value is clamped.

ö.lerp( a, b, t ) → Number

Interpolates linearly between a and b. t is a percentage value between 0 and 1.

ö.nthRoot( x, n ) → Number

Returns nth root of positive number, for example ö.nthRoot( 256, 8 ) == 2

ö.factorial( n ) → Number

Returns the factorial of n.

ö.nChooseK( n, k ) → Number

Returns the number of ways to choose k elements from a set of n elements, i.e. the binomial coefficient.


ö.prettyNumber( n, locale = 'sv-SE', precision = 2 ) → String

Returns n rounded to precision decimals and formatted by n.toLocaleString(). Defaults to swedish formatting, because why not! locale is optional, if second argument is Number, precision is set instead. ö('code').html(() => ö.prettyNumber(ö.random(2**16, true)));

ö.wrapFirstWords( s, numWords = 3, startWrap = '<span>', endWrap = '</span>', startAtChar = 0 ) → String

Returns s with first numWords words wrapped in startWrap and endWrap. Matches first words up to and including first punctuation. Optionally starts matching at index startAtChar. Matches special chars for nordic languages as well as ', ’ and -.

ö.toCamelCase( str ) → String

Returns regular sentence, kebab-case or snake_case string converted to camelCase. Leaves --custom-properties alone.

ö.toKebabCase( str ) → String

Returns regular sentence or camelCase string converted to kebab-case. Leaves --customProperties alone.


Hsla lets you use colour in an understandable way. hsla is great! Use hsla!

ö.toHsla( colour, asString = false) → { h, s, l, a } | String

Returns colour converted to an object with hsla values. Optionally returns a colour string in hsla format. Takes hex values, as well as all valid forms of rgb/rgba strings. Hsla is really easy to work with compared to rgb. For example, a darken method could look like this, given a hsla object as input: const darken = (c, amount) => (c.l-=amount, c)

ö.hsla( h, s = 70, l = 50, a = 1 ) → String

Returns colour string in hsla format, for css input. Takes separate values, or a single object with properties { h, s, l, a }.


Awaitable wrappers for setTimeout, requestAnimationFrame and events. Takes an optional awaited f with no arguments.

ö.wait( t = 0, f, resetPrevCall = false ) → Promise

Waits t milliseconds. If resetPrevCall == true, previous pending call is rejected.

ö.nextFrame( f ) → Promise

Waits one frame.

ö.waitFrames ( n = 1, f, everyFrame = false ) → Promise

Waits n frames. If everyFrame == true, callback is executed every frame.

ö.waitFor( selector, event, f ) → Promise

Waits for specified event. Takes only one element, and one event type.

ö.load( url, isJSON = true ) → Promise

Loads (and parses) JSON. Optionally loads HTML. Super simple fetch wrapper.


ö.throttle( f, t = 50 ) → Function

Throttles execution of f to one call per t milliseconds. If called multiple times per period, the last call gets executed.

ö.debounce( f, t = 50, immediately = false ) → Function

Debounces execution of f until no calls are made within t milliseconds. If called multiple times per period, the last call gets executed. If immediately is set to true, the first call gets executed as well.

ö.onAnimationFrame( f ) → Function

Defers execution of f to next animation frame. If called multiple times per frame, the last call gets executed.

Error handling and logging

ö.verbose( isVerbose, isThrowing = false ) → Boolean

Get/set isVerbose, turns off error/message logging when set to false. Defaults to true. Optionally set isThrowing to true, in order to throw errors instead.

ö.error( error, ...rest ) → console.error or thrown Error, arguments

Logs errors to console, optionally throws instead. Can be silenced globally by calling ö.verbose(false). Returns single argument, or multiple arguments as an array.

ö.warn( message, ...rest ) → console.warn, arguments

Outputs arguments to console. Can be silenced globally by calling ö.verbose(false). Returns single argument, or multiple arguments as an array.

ö.log( ...messages ) → console.log, arguments

Outputs arguments to console. Can be silenced globally by calling ö.verbose(false). Returns single argument, or multiple arguments as an array. Can be used like so: const x = ö.log( y*z ); or to tap into a call chain.

ö.message( str ) → 'ö🍳uery says: ${str}'

Wrapper for internal messages.

Util & environment

ö.getLocal( item ) → Object

Gets item from local storage, if any. Converts item to Object via JSON.parse.

ö.setLocal = ( item, v ) → v

Sets item in local storage to v, and returns v.

ö.getCss = ( prop, selector = ':root') → css property value

Gets prop on selected element, or from document.documentElement if selector is unset. and returns v. Mainly used for getting global --props, using css as master for global variables.

ö.setCss = ( prop, v, selector = ':root') → v

Sets prop to v, optionally on selected element, and returns v.

Basic type checking

Less verbose than typeof/Array.isArray/instanceof:

ö.isBool( v ) → Boolean

ö.isNum( v ) → Boolean

ö.isInt( v ) → Boolean

ö.isBigInt( v ) → Boolean

ö.isStr( v ) → Boolean

ö.isSym( v ) → Boolean

ö.isFunc( v ) → Boolean

ö.isArr( v ) → Boolean

ö.isNull( v ) → Boolean

ö.isDate( v ) → Boolean

ö.isMap( v ) → Boolean

ö.isSet( v ) → Boolean

ö.isRegex( v ) → Boolean

ö.is( v ) / ö.isDefined( v ) → Boolean

ö.isnt( v ) / ö.isUndefined( v ) → Boolean

ö.isObj( v ) → Boolean

ö.isObj excludes Array, Map, Set, Date and RegExp. And null, of course.

ö.isIterable( v ) → Boolean

Checks for [Symbol.iterator] in v.


ö.createElement( html, isSvg = false ) → Element

Creates an Element from an html string. Optionally creates an SVGElement.

ö.parseDOMStringMap( o ) → Object

Parses a DOMStringMap as JSON. Used internally when reading from Element.dataset.

ö.data( element, key, value ) → data | data.key

Associates a data object with an Element, or any other object used as value for element, via WeakMap. If no key, returns data object.

ö.deepest( element, selector = '*' ) → Element

Finds deepest Element in element, optionally matching selector.

Random stuff

ö.rorövovarorsospoproråkoketot( str ) → String

Converts string to Rövarspråket, like so: ö('code').text((_, v) => ö.rorövovarorsospoproråkoketot(v) );