
A simple version of redux

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import owlRedux from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/owl-redux';


owl redux

A simple version of redux


In order to further understand redux, imitate the principle of redux implementation and implement a simple redux.


$ yarn add -D owl-redux


Try to use example

$ git clone git@github.com:dengwb1991/owl-redux.git

$ cd owl-redux

$ yarn

$ yarn start


| api | instructions | | -- | -- | | createStore | Created Store Object, Includes getState, dispatch, subscribe, replaceReducer functions | | reducer | Reducer is a planning function that takes the old state and action and generates the new state | | action | Action is an object and must contain a type field | | dispatch | Dispatch (action) triggers an action to generate a new state | | subscribe | Implement the subscription function. Each time the dispatch is triggered, the subscription function will be executed | | combineReducers | Combine multiple reducers into one reducer | | replaceReducer | Replace reducer function | | middleware | Extending the dispatch function |