
Easily and securely hash passwords with a variable amount of SHA512 iterations. bcrypt is also supported.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import passhash from '';



Easily and securely hash passwords with a variable amount of iterations of SHA512.

Takes in an optional username and number of iterations and then propmts for a password.

If a username or number of iterations is not provided it will prompt for them.


npm install -g passhash


-i, --iterations <number>        number of SHA512 iterations (default is set to 1)
-b, --bits <number>              number of bits to use for crypto random salt, must be >= 128 (default 128)
-h, --help                       print this message and exit
-u, --username <name>            username to use for entry
-U, --updates                    check for available updates
-f, --format                     change format of output
-v, --version                    print the version number and exit

Default Output



Change Output Format

passhash allows the user to define the output. For output to be useful it should include at least the username, the salt, and the hash.

Changing the format is easy. passhash has built in keywords: {username} {salt} {hash} and {iterations}. By default they are printed out : delimited. For example if you didn't want to output the number of iterations:

node passhash.js -f '{username}<<>>{salt}<<>>{hash}'

This would output:


Example Prompt

alex @ [ kovas :: (Darwin) ] ~/Projects/passhash $ node passhash.js 
passhash: username:  test
passhash: Please enter a password:  
passhash: Please re-enter your password:  
passhash: Number of iterations (default 1):  (1) 


I personally dislike how people do authentication on the web. htpasswd can easily be broken. passhash allows for a more robust password storage system. Now you can store the output of passhash into a file and code your node server to use it for auth, eliminating the need for htaccess/htpasswd. For added security you can choose a number of iterations and not store it in the file, using it only in your server code for the password validation. Each user could also have a different number of iterations. Is this still somewhat insecure? Yes, someone could take a line from the file and if the user choose a weak password and the attacker knew the number of iterations and the salt they could still use brute force. You can't protect against stupid users.
