
A static file middleware for passing-notes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import passingNotesStatic from '';



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A static file middleware for passing-notes.


Install passing-notes-static by running:

yarn add passing-notes-static

Then, compose it with other middleware, or at least a default handler:

import {compose} from 'passing-notes'
import serveStatic from 'passing-notes-static'

export default compose(
  () => () => ({status: 404})

serveStatic will resolve files within and relative to the given directory. When it can't find a file, it will delegate to the next middleware.

Optionally, a baseUrl can be provided to "mount" the directory to a URL subpath. This can be used to route different URLs to different directories on the file system:

import {compose} from 'passing-notes'
import serveStatic from 'passing-notes-static'

export default compose(
  serveStatic('./src', '/'),
  serveStatic('./images', '/assets/images'),
  () => () => ({status: 404})