
A frontend architecture that's easy to visualize

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import phlox from '';


The Phlox Architecture

"A picture is worth a thousand words"

...but yet, we often write tens of thousands of lines of code without any visual documentation.

The Phlox architecture helps you build a frontend in a way that is easy to visualize. The goal is that you should be able to draw a simple "box and line" diagram showing the components and dependencies in your code.

By looking at such a diagram you should be able to answer questions like:

  • From how many places are we calling the create-user endpoint in the REST-api?
  • How many views in our app are using any user-related data?
  • ...

The diagram below is from the example in examples/restaurant-reviewer [example picture]

This repo is both a description of the phlox architecture as well as a simple implementation of the architecture. It also contains react-bindnings so you can use it in a react project.

How does it work?

A phlox arcitecture is made up of 4 different concepts; ui, queries, lifters, and invokers. These four things can be written in a fairly declarative way and because of this, it's possible to visualize them and their dependencies in a diagram.