
A small js helper to bring your shared translations to your js codebase

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pimcoreJsTranslations from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pimcore-js-translations';


Pimcore JS translations

This package helps you to bring your shared translations from Pimcore to you Javascript frontend. It uses the Pimcore translation REST Endpoint. You can use the simple t function to request any translation by key.


You can attach the t function to your window object to make it globally available to your Javascript source. The init function

  • Make sure the Pimcore REST Api is enabled.
  • Use the package like:
npm i pimcore-js-translations
import { t, init } from 'pimcore-js-translations';

// define the locale you wanna fetch
// The translations are available inside the Promise!

// You need a pimcore user with a configured api key.
// Create a user in pimcore and assign the translation permissions to it.
const apiKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx';
const locale = 'de';
const fallbackLocale = 'en';

init(apiKey, locale, fallbackLocale).then(() => {
  const myTranslation = t('my-crazy-translation-key')

This version is still in Alpha! It initially loads all your translations from your CMS! If you have a huge amount of translations please consider another solution. Feel free to contribute :)