a tiny little log formatter for pino.
yeah, i know, pino-colada...
...but is does some weird black box stuff, and i did not like some of the formatting, and i was generally not too happy about certain things, so...
i made pino-tiny!
using it
pino-tiny is ran like any other pino output mangler, you run it as a process and pipe to it. first you need to install it. it's really not meant to be a production log formatter, so prolly install it in your project as a dev-dependency.
npm i -D pino-tiny
yarn add --dev pino-tiny it with your application that is already using pino to log stuff...
$ node index.js | pino-tiny
CLI Arguments
Now you can tweak the output a bit with command line arguments
--help Show help
--version Show version number
-i, --hide-icons Hide level emoji icons.
-l, --hide-letters Hide level letters.
-t, --hide-timestamp Hide the timestamp.
-c, --hide-colors Remove ansi colors from output.
-w, --hide-web Hide web stats.
-m, --msg-key The key to use for message from the JSON log data.
...or put it in your package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "nodemon index.js | pino-tiny",
use it in code!
pino-tiny can be used in code too as a prettifier, if you want. here is how you set it up:
const { PinoTinyPrettifier } = require('pino-pretty')
const Pino = require('pino')
const logger = new Pino({
prettifier: PinoTinyPrettifier(/*{[options]}*/),
prettyPrint: true
logger.trace('trace message')
logger.debug('debug message')'info message')
logger.warn('warn message')
logger.error('error message')
logger.fatal('fatal message')
Prettifier Options
The prettifier has the same options as the cli. Plus a filter function.
PinoTinyOptions {
hideIcons?: boolean
hideLetters?: boolean
hideTimestamp?: boolean
hideColors?: boolean
hideWeb?: boolean
msgKey?: string
filter?: (data: any) => any | undefined
The filter
option allows you to filter and process the log data. So you can do something like
// remove ansi colors and remove messages that have secrets.
const logger = new Pino({
prettifier: PinoTinyPrettifier(
hideColor: true,
filter:(data) => {
if (data.hasSecret) {
return {, msg:'*** secret ***' }
} else {
return data
prettyPrint: true
pino-tiny runs like a process you pipe the output of your application into and it makes nice output. it also exports a function Run
that takes the filter option function as a parameter.
this allows you to control if a log entry gets printed, and you can mangle the output (in the msg property of the log). here is a ridiculous example:
const { Run } = require('pino-tiny')
function filter (data) {
if(data.msg.indexOf('happy') >= 0) {
// nothing happy gets out.
return false;
else {
// prepend msg with woah.
return {,
msg: `[woah!] ${data.msg}`
//start the logger
what does pino-tiny do?
- shows log level, 3 characters (and not a emoji icon), color coded, and ??? for custom log levels.
- timestamps (no dates). you know what day it is but millisecond timestamps give you some performance output
- strips all but the msg for output
- if there is are
properties in the log data, it will put dimmed request and response info (method, url, status code). - non-json string data that get piped in (like nodemon) get treated as info logs and outputted.
- does not swallow error messages
- non-pino JSON will be logged as dimmed stringified JSON
New in v2.0
- programmatic prettifier
- better colors
- handle non-pino json
- emojis! 🔎 🪲 ℹ️ ⚠️ 🔥 💣
- src is now in typescript
New in v2.1
- added prettifier options
- added prettifier options as cli args
- added back the filter method in options
- added back the extensibility