
IoC container for Pip.Services in Node.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pipServicesContainerNode from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pip-services-container-node';


Pip.Services Logo
IoC container for Node.js

This framework is a part of the Pip.Services project. It provides an inversion-of-control component container to facilitate the development of composable services and applications.

As all Pip.Services projects this framework is implemented in a variety of different languages: Java, .NET, Python, Node.js, Golang.

The framework provides a light-weight container that can be embedded inside a service or application, or can be run by itself, as a system process, for example. Container configuration serves as a recipe for instantiating and configuring components inside the container.
The default container factory provides generic functionality on-demand, such as logging and performance monitoring.

  • Core - Component container and container as a system process
  • Build - Container default factory
  • Config - Container configuration
  • Refer - Container references

Quick Links:


The Node.js version of Pip.Services is created and maintained by:

  • Volodymyr Tkachenko
  • Sergey Seroukhov
  • Mark Zontak

The documentation is written by:

  • Mark Makarychev