
This module is defines some global properties onto an Object which are useful in debugging and testing.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pitestglobals from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pitestglobals';


PI Test Globals - index.js

This module is defines some global properties onto an Object which are useful in debugging and testing.


Install using npm install piTestGlobals


Below is an example on how to use show the line number of your file within the console.

 var piTestGlobals = require('piTestGlobals');




Generates the a error stack object and is available globally


Gets the current line number from the first item in the full stack


Gets the current function name from the first item in the full stack


Gets the current file name from the first item in the full stack


Gets the current type name from the first item in the full stack


Gets the current column number from the first item in the full stack


Generates a stack from the __fullStack with the following:

  • fileName

  • typeName

  • functionName

  • line

  • column

  • message (at typeName.functionName (fileName:line:column)