
CLI for University of Pittsburgh utilities

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pittCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pitt-cli';


Pitt-Cli - CLI for Pitt Students


Build Status David Status npm GitHub forks


$ [sudo] npm install -g pitt-cli

In order to use print link functionality wkhtmltopdf must be installed on your system.

Available Commands:

  • Print - send file to mobileprint@pitt.edu

    $ pitt print [-c] path/to/file

    -c send file to colorprint@pitt.edu

    -l send link to printer instead of file

  • Email - send email from pitt email

    $ pitt email [-cc] "recipients" ["subject"] ["body"]

    -cc prompts for recipients to cc on the email

    • If no subject or body defined, user will be prompted for them
    • Multiple recipients must be seperated by commas ex. pitt email "recipient1@pitt.edu, recipient2@pitt.edu" "subject" "body"
  • SSH - connect to unixs.cssd.pitt.edu

    $ pitt ssh
  • THOTH - connect to thoth.cs.pitt.edu

    $ pitt thoth
  • Deploy - deploy given directory to your personal Pitt website

    $ pitt deploy "directory"
    • backups saved to ~/.html-backup directory on unixs.cssd.pitt.edu
  • Login - Store login credentials

    $ pitt login

    You will have the option to encrypt your credentials with a password.

    • If encrypt credentials is chosen you will be prompted for encryption passoword everytime.
    • If store credentials in plain text is chosen your will be automatically signed in.

    Stored passwords only work with the print and email commands

  • Logout - Delete stored login credentials

    $ pitt logout
  • Help

    $ pitt --help


  • integrate blackboard api
  • integrate box api
  • research any other open data pitt provides
  • unit testing