
Parses expression to produces PivotQl ASTs.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pivotqlParserExpression from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pivotql-parser-expression';


PivotQL expression parser

Parses simple expression to generate PivotQL ASTs.


npm install pivotql-compiler-mongodb


import parse from 'pivotql-parser-expression';
import compile from 'pivotql-compiler-mongodb';

const query = '( height <= 20 or favorites.color == "green" ) and firstname in ["john", "doug"]';

const parsed = parse(query)

// parsed can be consumed by any pivotql compiler

Expression Query Syntax

Values Description
43, -1.234 Numbers
true, false Booleans
null, undefined Primitives
"hello" Strings
foo, a.b.c Symbols (usually a key or column name in your datastore)
Operators Description
x == y Equality
x != y Ineqaulity
x ~= "y" Matching evaluated as a RegExp
x < y Less than
x <= y Less than or equal to
x > y Greater than
x >= y Greater than or equal to
x or y Boolean or
x and y Boolean and
not x Boolean not
( x ) Expression

Operator precedence follows that of any sane language.

More information

See main repository for more information.