PIXI.js Tiled utilities
state: poor but whole
Some information from author
Before you import you have to have window.PIXI defined
When you import this library you get PIXI.Tiled helper
Whats inside the helper
- FullscreenApplication
which extends PIXI.Application and adds autoresize and canvas of full width and height of window
- World
const PIXI = require("pixi.js");
const tu = require("pixi-tiled-utils");
const app = new tu.FullscreenApplication();
const json = {
// json you get from Tiled application
backgroundcolor: "#656667",
height: 4,
layers: [],
nextobjectid: 1,
orientation: "orthogonal",
properties: [
name: "mapProperty1",
type: "string",
value: "one",
name: "mapProperty2",
type: "string",
value: "two",
renderorder: "right-down",
tileheight: 32,
tilesets: [
// at least one tileset is required for tiled-utils
tilewidth: 32,
version: 1,
tiledversion: "1.0.3",
width: 4,
const tileset = new PIXI.Sprite(); = new PIXI.Tiled.World();, tileset).then((world) => {
console.log(`world has ${app.stage.children.length} children`);
see live:
- TextureExtractor
Useful if you want to slice a spritesheet
- utils
Some internally used utils that might or not be useful (just exported them because of reasons)
(c) 2019 Jacek Pietal, License: MIT
by players for players