Promise based pixiv API client
Inspired by upbit/pixivpy: Pixiv API for Python.
- Promise based
- Converts the output json keys to camelCase
- Converts the parameters to snakeCase
- Supports API without login
$ npm install --save pixiv-app-api
import PixivAppApi from 'pixiv-app-api' //const PixivAppApi = require("pixiv-app-api")
import pixivImg from 'pixiv-img' //const pixivImg = require("pixiv-img")
const pixiv = new PixivAppApi(process.env.NAME, process.env.PASSWORD, {
camelcaseKeys: true,
;(async () => {
await pixiv.login()
const json = await pixiv.searchIllust('艦これ10000users入り')
await pixivImg(json.illusts[0].imageUrls.large)
All functions will return either a camelCaseType or a snake_case_type depending on the value of camelcaseKeys
For example:
//const pixiv = new PixivAppApi(process.env.NAME, process.env.PASSWORD, {camelcaseKeys: true})
interface PixivClient = {
accessToken: string
expiresIn: number
tokenType: string
scope: string
refreshToken: string
user: PixivClientUser
deviceToken: string
//const pixiv = new PixivAppApi(process.env.NAME, process.env.PASSWORD, {camelcaseKeys: false})
interface Pixiv_Client = {
access_token: string
expires_in: number
token_type: string
scope: string
refresh_token: string
user: Pixiv_Client_User
device_token: string
constructor(username?: string, password?: string, options? {camelcaseKeys?: boolean})
Creates a new PixivAppApi object. camelcaseKeys
defaults to true
if it is omitted.
login(username?: string, password?: string): Promise<PixivClient>
Logs into the API.
"accessToken": "abcdefgabcdefgabcdefgabcdefg",
"expiresIn": 3600,
"tokenType": "bearer",
"scope": "unlimited",
"refreshToken": "abcdefgabcdefgabcdefgabcdefg",
"user": {
"profileImageUrls": {
"px16x16": "",
"px50x50": "",
"px170x170": ""
"id": "19785907",
"name": "akameco",
"account": "akameco",
"mailAddress": "abcdefgabcdefgabcdefgabcdefg",
"isPremium": true,
"xRestrict": 2,
"isMailAuthorized": true
authInfo(): PixivClient
Gets your authInfo.
interface PixivClient {
accessToken: string
expiresIn: number
tokenType: string
scope: string
refreshToken: string
user: PixivClientUser
deviceToken: string
makeIterable(resp: Object): AsyncIterable<Object>
const json = await pixiv.searchIllust('艦これ10000users入り')
let ar = []
for await (const r of pixiv.makeIterable(json)) {
ar = ar.concat(r.illusts)
await sleep(1000) // if the request rate is too high, pixiv might ban you
userDetail(id: ID, params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivUserDetail>.
Get a user's profile.
export interface PixivUserDetail {
user: PixivUser
profile: {
webpage: string
gender: string
birth: string
birthDay: string
birthYear: number
region: string
addressId: number
countryCode: string
job: string
jobId: number
totalFollowUsers: number
totalMypixivUsers: number
totalIllusts: number
totalManga: number
totalNovels: number
totalIllustBookmarksPublic: number
totalIllustSeries: number
backgroundImageUrl: string
twitterAccount: string
twitterUrl: string
pawooUrl: string
isPremium: boolean
isUsingCustomProfileImage: boolean
profilePublicity: {
gender: string
region: string
birthDay: string
birthYear: string
job: string
pawoo: boolean
workspace: {
pc: string
monitor: string
tool: string
scanner: string
tablet: string
mouse: string
printer: string
desktop: string
music: string
desk: string
chair: string
comment: string
workspaceImageUrl: string | null
The type PixivParams is defined as follows:
export interface PixivParams {
userId?: number
type?: string
filter?: string
restrict?: 'public' | 'private'
illustId?: number
contentType?: string
includeTotalComments?: boolean
includeRankingLabel?: boolean
includeRankingIllusts?: boolean
includeRankingNovels?: boolean
| 'day'
| 'week'
| 'month'
| 'day_male'
| 'day_female'
| 'week_original'
| 'week_rookie'
| 'day_r18'
| 'day_male_r18'
| 'day_female_r18'
| 'week_r18'
| 'week_r18g'
| 'day_manga'
| 'week_manga'
| 'month_manga'
| 'week_rookie_manga'
| 'day_r18_manga'
| 'week_r18_manga'
| 'week_r18g_manga'
word?: string
| 'partial_match_for_tags'
| 'exact_match_for_tags'
| 'title_and_caption'
sort?: 'date_desc' | 'date_asc' | 'popular_desc'
startDate?: string
endDate?: string
offset?: number
userIllusts(id: ID, params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivIllustSearch>
Retrieves all of a users illusts.
export interface PixivIllustSearch {
illusts: PixivIllust[]
nextUrl: string | null
searchSpanLimit?: number
"illusts": [
"id": 64124918,
"title": "Noise Pollution Vol.3",
"type": "illust",
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": ""
"caption": "夏コミ新刊の②<br /><br />東レ54b-CREAYUS<br />Noise Pollution Vol.3には会場限定A5サイズのクリアファイルがつきます。1冊につき1枚(先着)、なくなり次第終了です。<br /><br />とらのあな予約(フルカラー全年齢)<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>",
"restrict": 0,
"user": {
"id": 471355,
"name": "嵐月",
"account": "creayus",
"profileImageUrls": {
"medium": ""
"isFollowed": true
"tags": [
"name": "C.C."
"name": "ルルーシュ"
"name": "ルルC"
"name": "コードギアス"
"name": "コードギアス1000users入り"
"name": "ルルーシュ・ランペルージ"
"tools": ["Photoshop", "SAI"],
"createDate": "2017-07-30T12:20:55+09:00",
"pageCount": 5,
"width": 900,
"height": 633,
"sanityLevel": 4,
"metaSinglePage": {},
"metaPages": [
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": "",
"original": ""
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": "",
"original": ""
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": "",
"original": ""
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": "",
"original": ""
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": "",
"original": ""
"totalView": 45180,
"totalBookmarks": 2358,
"isBookmarked": false,
"visible": true,
"isMuted": false,
"totalComments": 33
"nextUrl": ""
userFollowAdd(id: ID, data?: Object): Promise<unknown>
Follows a user.
userFollowDelete(id: ID, data?: Object): Promise<unknown>
Unfollows a user.
userBookmarksIllust(id: ID, params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivIllustSearch>
Gets a user's bookmarked illusts.
userFollowing(id: ID, params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivUserSearch>
Gets the users that a user is following.
export interface PixivUserSearch {
userPreviews: {
user: PixivUser
illusts: PixivIllust[]
novels: PixivNovel[]
isMuted: boolean
nextUrl: string | null
userFollower(id: ID, params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivUserSearch>
Gets the users who follow a user.
userMypixiv(id: ID, params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivUserSearch>
Gets your friends on Mypixiv.
userList(id: ID, params?: PixivParams): Promise<unknown>
Gets a user list.
illustDetail(id: ID, params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivIllustDetail>
Returns detailed info for a pixiv illust.
export interface PixivIllustDetail {
illust: PixivIllust
export interface PixivIllust {
id: number
title: string
interface: string
imageUrls: {
squareMedium: string
medium: string
large?: string
caption: string
restrict: number
user: PixivUser
tags: PixivTag[]
tools: string[]
createDate: string
pageCount: number
width: number
height: number
sanityLevel: number
metaSinglePage: {
originalImageUrl?: string
metaPages: PixivMetaPage[]
totalView: number
totalBookmarks: number
isBookmarked: boolean
visible: boolean
isMuted: boolean
totalComments: number
"illust": {
"id": 57907953,
"title": "ロングヘアレムりん",
"type": "illust",
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": ""
"caption": "デイリー32→5 ありがとうございます!",
"restrict": 0,
"user": {
"id": 3424578,
"name": "こーやふ@三日目東に26b",
"account": "burittohiroba",
"profileImageUrls": {
"medium": ""
"isFollowed": false
"tags": [
"name": "Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活"
"name": "レム"
"name": "リゼロ"
"name": "レム(リゼロ)"
"name": "ナツキ・レム"
"name": "リゼロ10000users入り"
"name": "スバレム"
"name": "メイド"
"name": "ロング化"
"tools": [],
"createDate": "2016-07-15T00:08:24+09:00",
"pageCount": 1,
"width": 1000,
"height": 1412,
"sanityLevel": 2,
"metaSinglePage": {
"originalImageUrl": ""
"metaPages": [],
"totalView": 191059,
"totalBookmarks": 28918,
"isBookmarked": false,
"visible": true,
"isMuted": false,
"totalComments": 181
illustNew(params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivIllustSearch>
Searches new illusts.
illustFollow(params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivIllustSearch>
Searches new illusts from users you follow.
"illusts": [
"id": 64419500,
"title": "【PFRD】Chapter.6",
"type": "illust",
"imageUrls": {
"squareMedium": "",
"medium": "",
"large": ""
"caption": "法尔卡岛.缇拉密林带 <br />挡在阿尔卡娜面前的数个复活者每个个体都带着伤,从摆起的架势来看也似乎毫无章法,但天生的直觉依然如同警铃般急促的敲打着阿尔卡娜的心。<br />“我这是在...害怕么?“感受到握剑的右手微微颤抖,阿尔卡娜自嘲的轻笑”呵..我还以为我已经忘了害怕是什么了呢”。<br /><br />来吧,不管【你们】是什么,堂堂正正的一决胜负吧!",
"restrict": 0,
"user": {
"id": 22124330,
"name": "超凶の狄璐卡",
"account": "swd3e22",
"profileImageUrls": {
"medium": ""
"isFollowed": true
"tags": [
"name": "女の子"
"name": "落書"
"name": "オリジナル"
"name": "グランメイル"
"name": "pixivファンタジアRD"
"name": "不敗王の復活"
"name": "復活者討伐戦【青】"
"tools": [],
"createDate": "2017-08-15T00:16:32+09:00",
"pageCount": 1,
"width": 2126,
"height": 1150,
"sanityLevel": 4,
"metaSinglePage": {
"originalImageUrl": ""
"metaPages": [],
"totalView": 228,
"totalBookmarks": 63,
"isBookmarked": false,
"visible": true,
"isMuted": false
"nextUrl": ""
illustComments(id: ID, params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivCommentSearch>
Returns the comments on an illust.
export interface PixivCommentSearch {
totalComments: number
comments: PixivComment[]
nextUrl: string | null
illustRelated(id: ID, params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivIllustSearch>
Searches for illusts related to the one provided.
illustRecommended(params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivIllustSearch>
Returns recommended illusts.
illustRecommendedNologin(params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivIllustSearch>
Returns recommended illusts (logged out).
illustRanking(params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivIllustSearch>
Returns top daily illusts by default.
trendingTagsIllust(params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivTrendTags>
Returns an array of trending tags.
export interface PixivTrendTags {
trend_tags: PixivTag[]
searchIllust(word: Word, params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivIllustSearch>
Searches for illusts with the provided query.
searchNovel(word: Word, params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivNovelSearch>
Searches for novels with the provided query.
export interface PixivNovelSearch {
novels: PixivNovel[]
nextUrl: string | null
privacyPolicy?: {}
searchSpanLimit?: number
searchUser(word: Word, params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivUserSearch>
Searches for users with the provided query.
searchAutoComplete(word: Word): Promise<PixivAutoComplete>
Returns an array of auto-completed words from the input.
export interface PixivAutoComplete {
searchAutoCompleteKeywords: string[]
illustBookmarkDetail(id: ID, params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivBookmarkDetail>
Returns detailed info on a bookmark.
export interface PixivBookmarkDetail {
isBookmarked: boolean
tags: PixivTag[]
restrict: string
"bookmarkDetail": {
"isBookmarked": false,
"tags": [
"name": "Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "レム",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "リゼロ",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "レム(リゼロ)",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "ナツキ・レム",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "リゼロ10000users入り",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "スバレム",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "メイド",
"isRegistered": false
"name": "ロング化",
"isRegistered": false
"restrict": "public"
illustBookmarkAdd(id: ID, data?: Object): Promise<unknown>
Adds a new bookmark.
illustBookmarkDelete(id: ID, data?: Object): Promise<unknown>
Deletes a bookmark.
userBookmarkTagsIllust(params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivBookmarkSearch>
Searches your bookmark tags.
export interface PixivBookmarkSearch {
bookmarkTags: PixivTag[]
nextUrl: string | null
"bookmarkTags": [],
"nextUrl": null
novelRecommended(params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivNovelSearch>
Searches recommended novels.
mangaNew(params?: PixivParams): Promise<unknown>
Searches new manga.
mangaRecommended(params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivMangaSearch>
Searches recommended manga.
export interface PixivMangaSearch {
illusts: PixivManga[]
rankingIllusts: PixivManga[] | []
privacyPolicy: {}
nextUrl: string | null
novelRecommendedNologin(params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivNovelSearch>
Searches recommended novels (logged out).
novelNew(params?: PixivParams): Promise<PixivNovelSearch>
Searches new novels.
ugoiraMetaData(id: number, params?: PixivParams): Promise<UgoiraMetaData>
Retrieves the zip url and frames for a Pixiv Ugoira.
export interface UgoiraMetaData {
ugoiraMetadata: {
zipUrls: {
medium: string
frames: {
file: string
delay: number
fetch(target: string, opts?: PixivFetchOptions): Promise<any>
Fetches a route in the Pixiv API and returns the result.
See Sniffer for iOS 6.x Common API · upbit/pixivpy Wiki Promise<any>
Return next request result.
.then(() =>
.then(() =>
.then((json) => {
pixiv.hasNext(): boolean
Return true
is able to run.
if (pixiv.hasNext()) {
pixiv.nextQuery(): Promise<string | undefined>
Return next params parameter.
Export your pixiv username and password before running Tests.
$ export USERNAME=your pixiv username...
$ export PASSWORD=your pixiv password...
$ npm test
- PixivDeck - pixiv client for Desktop like TweetDeck
- pixiv-img - save the image of pixiv
- pixiv-dl - pixiv image downloader
- pixiv-dl-preview - electron pixiv downloader
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
akameco 💻 📖 ⚠️ 🚇 |
Austin Huang 💻 📖 |
Cake 💻 ⚠️ |
Ade Firman Fauzi 💻 |
yeti2018 💻 |
maple 💻 |
Tenpi 💻 📖 |
yanagiragi 💻 |
NigridsVa 💻 |
Anton Grigoryev 💻 |
そら 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
MIT © akameco