
Create JSON/REST APIs with pixl-server framework

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pixlRestify from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pixl-restify';


TL;DR: Simplify development of JSON REST services using plain class methods that are shielded from knowledge of the transport (HTTP, encodings, etc.)

This module helps simplify writing REST APIs by inspecting your components for methods matching a naming scheme and creating REST endpoints. It creates HTTP URL handlers for pixl-server-web and dispatches calls to your methods. It is built as a component of pixl-server, a lightweight framework for building node.js daemon applications.

  • Focus on application logic instead of IO formatting
  • Directly test your methods without mocking or running a web server
  • Build your handlers using async/await instead of callbacks
  • Throw exceptions and let PixlRestify handle the error response and logging


Creating a Simple REST API

// myservice.js
const Component = require("pixl-server/component");

class MyService extends Component {
    constructor() {
        this.__name = "MyService";
        this.defaultConfig = {
        this.counters = new Map();

    validate(method, args) {
        return (typeof args.id == "undefined") ? "missing_param" : true;
    // Handles HTTP GET /myservice/rest/v1.0/Counter?id=blah
    async getCounter(args) {
        if (this.counters.has(args.id)) {
            return {name: args.counter, value: this.counters.get(args.id)}
        else {
            throw {code:'no_counter', message:"No counter defined for " + args.id};

        Handles POST /myservice/rest/v1.0/Counter
            "id": "blah",
            "value": 42
    async createCounter(args) {
        if (this.counters.has(args.id)) {
                throw {code:'counter_exists', message:"Counter already created for " + args.id};
        var val = (typeof args.value != "undefined") ? parseInt(args.value) : 0;
        this.counters.set(args.id, val);
        return {id: args.id, value: val};	
        Handles Put /myservice/rest/v1.0/Counter
            "id": "blah"
    async updateCounter(args) {
        if (this.counters.has(args.id)) {
            var val = (typeof args.value != "undefined") ? parseInt(args.value) : 1 + this.counters.get(args.id);
            this.counters.set(args.id, val);
            return {id: args.id, value: this.counters.get(args.id)}
        else {
            throw {code:'no_counter', message:"No counter defined for " + args.id};

Creating a Simple Server

var PixlServer = require('pixl-server');

var server = new PixlServer({
        __name: 'MyServer',
        __version: "0.1",
        config: {
                "log_dir": "/var/tmp",
                "log_filename": "my_test.log",
                "debug_level": 9,
                "WebServer": {
                    "http_port": 3080
                "PixelRestify" : {
                    "endpoints": [
                            "name": "MyService",
                            "regex": "/myservice/rest/v1.0/(\\w+)"
        components: [


server.startup( function() {
        console.log("Main startup");

About Method handlers

Default HTTP Method Mapping

The default mapping from component method to HTTP methods is defined below and can be overriden in the configuration.

this.defaultConfig = {
    "methodMap": {
        "get" : "get",
        "create" : "post",
        "update" : "put",
        "delete" : "delete"

For example if you name your method "updateMyWidget", the PixlRestify will route HTTP PUT requests for /MyWidget to your method.

Method Arguments

Your method is passed args, serverArgs where

  • args: HTTP GET is the decoded query string, and for all other HTTP methods is the decoded HTTP body
  • serverArgs: is the standard pixl-server-web parameter with request, response, etc. fields

Return Values and Errors

Your method can return any of the following:

  • Object: PixlRestify converts to JSON and will add a {code:0} element if code is missing
  • String: PixlRestify responds with {code: 0, message:"your string"}
  • true: If your method returns boolean true, it signifies that your method will handle the HTTP response itself

If your method throws an exception PixlRestify will try to find a code element and a message in the thrown object and return a JSON repsonse in the format of {code:"error_code", message:"Error details"}. It will also log the error using pixl-logger with a stack trace if present.


PixlRestify checks to see if your Component contains a validate method. If it does the method is called for each request with the following arguments:

  • methodName: The name of the component method that will be called if validation succeeds
  • args: HTTP GET is the decoded query string, and for all other HTTP methods is the decoded HTTP body
  • serverArgs: is the standard pixl-server-web parameter with request, response, etc. fields

You validation method should return one of the following:

  • true: if validation passed
  • object: an error object that you want PixelRestify to send back (typically {code: "err_code" message:"details"})

Alternatively, you can validate in your method handler and throw when validation fails.