A node-steam plugin for Dota 2, consider it in alpha state.
Check out @RJacksonm1's blog post (his only blog post), Extending node-dota2, for a rough overview of adding new functionality to the library. A fair warning, while the way you search for new functionality is still the same, quite a lot has changed (and been simplified) implementation wise. It is now easier to implement new functionality than it was back when this blog was written.
Installation and setup
npm install
in the repository root- Copy
and edit appropriately - Run the example script:
node example.js
- If you receive Error 63 you need to provide a Steam Guard code by setting the Steam Guard code in
and launching again. - Make sure to use at least version 4.4.5 of node js
At the moment the serverlist that is kept internally by node-steam contains IP addresses which are no longer responsive. This causes timeouts and makes node-dota2 seem unresponsive. The examples contain a fix for this behaviour. In short, node-steam emits a servers event that will always contain the latest version of the server list. You need to make sure that your bot handles this event and saves its contents so that upon next startup you can initialize node-steam with a more up to date list. The examples folder contains a (as of the beginning of October 2018) working list that is read by the example bots. You can use this list to bootstrap your bot until node-steam updates their embedded list.
- Pass a SteamClient instance to use to send & receive GC messages.debug
- A boolean noting whether to print information about operations to console.debugMore
- A boolean noting whether to print extended debug information. Activating this will log messages for each proto message exchanged with the GC.
var Steam = require('steam'),
steamClient = new Steam.SteamClient(),
dota2 = require('dota2'),
Dota2 = new dota2.Dota2Client(steamClient, true, false);
We do not in any way encourage people to use their own accounts when using this library. This library tries to mimic the behavior of the Dota 2 client to allow people to programmatically interact with the Dota 2 GC, however we make no efforts to hide this fact and it's pretty easy for Valve to detect clients using this library based on the generated traffic. While Valve has not yet expressed a dislike regarding reverse engineering projects like this one, it's not unimaginable that this might one day change and result in VAC bans.
The examples
directory contains two Dota2 bots as an example. One contains commented-out dota2 methods, the other has boolean activated methods.
Both examples show how to interact with the library.
There is a partial automated test suite for node-dota2, which is located in the test directory.
You need to configure the STEAM_USERNAME
environment variables to be able to run it.
You can launch the tests by running the file with mocha.
The API doc can be consulted here or at
Dota 2 module
- Dota2
- static
- .Dota2Client ⇐
- new Dota2.Dota2Client(steamClient, debug, debugMore)
- instance
- .Logger :
- .Inventory :
- .chatChannels :
- .Lobby :
- .Options :
- .Options :
- .LobbyInvite :
- .Party :
- .PartyInvite :
- .launch()
- .exit()
- .joinChat(channel_name, [channel_type])
- .leaveChat(channel_name, [channel_type])
- .sendMessage(message, channel_name, [channel_type])
- .shareLobby(channel_name, [channel_type])
- .flipCoin(channel_name, [channel_type])
- .rollDice(min, max, channel_name, [channel_type])
- .requestChatChannels()
- .requestPlayerMatchHistory(account_id, [options], [callback])
- .requestProfileCard(account_id, [callback])
- .requestProfile(account_id, [callback])
- .requestHallOfFame(week, [callback])
- .requestPlayerInfo(account_ids)
- .requestTrophyList(account_id, [callback])
- .requestPlayerStats(account_id, [callback])
- .tipPlayer(account_id, steam_id, steam_id)
- .requestJoinableCustomGameModes([server_region])
- .requestPlayerCardsByPlayer() ⇒
- .FantasyPlayer :
- .FantasyPlayer :
- .requestPlayerCardRoster(league_id, timestamp, [callback])
- .draftPlayerCard(league_id, timestamp, slot, player_card_id, [callback])
- .setItemPositions(item_positions)
- .deleteItem(item_id)
- .requestLeagueInfo()
- .requestTopLeagueMatches()
- .createPracticeLobby(options, [callback])
._createPracticeLobby().createTournamentLobby()- .configPracticeLobby(lobby_id, options, [callback])
- .requestPracticeLobbyList([callback])
- .requestFriendPracticeLobbyList([callback])
- .balancedShuffleLobby([callback])
- .flipLobbyTeams([callback])
- .inviteToLobby(steam_id)
- .practiceLobbyKick(account_id, [callback])
- .practiceLobbyKickFromTeam(account_id, [callback])
- .joinPracticeLobby(id, password, [callback])
- .leavePracticeLobby([callback])
- .destroyLobby([callback])
- .abandonCurrentGame([callback])
- .launchPracticeLobby([callback])
- .joinPracticeLobbyTeam(slot, team, [callback])
- .joinPracticeLobbyBroadcastChannel([channel], [callback])
- .addBotToPracticeLobby(slot, team, bot_difficulty, [callback])
- .respondLobbyInvite(id, accept)
- .requestMatches([criteria], [callback])
- .requestMatchDetails(match_id, [callback])
- .requestMatchMinimalDetails(match_id, [callback])
- .requestMatchmakingStats()
- .requestTopFriendMatches()
- .respondPartyInvite(id, [accept], [ping_data])
- .leaveParty()
- .setPartyLeader(steam_id)
- .setPartyCoach(coach)
- .inviteToParty(steam_id)
- .kickFromParty(steam_id)
- .requestSourceTVGames(filter_options)
- .requestMyTeams([callback])
- "ready"
- "unhandled" (kMsg, kMsg_name)
- "hellotimeout"
- "inventoryUpdate" (inventory)
- "gotItem" (item)
- "gaveItem" (item)
- "practiceLobbyUpdate" (lobby)
- "practiceLobbyCleared"
- "lobbyInviteUpdate" (lobbyInvite)
- "lobbyInviteCleared"
- "partyUpdate" (party)
- "partyCleared"
- "partyInviteUpdate" (partyInvite)
- "partyInviteCleared"
- "chatJoined" (channelData)
- "chatJoin" (channel, joiner_name, joiner_steam_id, otherJoined_object)
- "chatLeave" (channel, leaver_steam_id, otherLeft_object)
- "chatLeft" (channel)
- "chatMessage" (channel, sender_name, message, chatData)
- "chatChannelsData" (channels)
- "playerMatchHistoryData" (requestId, matchHistoryResponse)
- "profileCardData" (account_id, profileCardResponse)
- "profileData" (profileResponse)
- "hallOfFameData" (week, featured_players, featured_farmer, hallOfFameResponse)
- "playerInfoData" (playerInfoData)
- "trophyListData" (trophyListResponse)
- "playerStatsData" (account_id, playerStatsResponse)
- "tipResponse" (tipResponse)
- "tipped" (tipper_account_id, tipper_name, recipient_account_id, recipient_name, event_id)
- "joinableCustomGameModes" (joinableCustomGameModes)
- "playerCardRoster" (playerCardRoster)
- "playerCardDrafted" (playerCardRoster)
- "popup" (id, popup)
- "liveLeagueGamesUpdate" (live_league_games)
- "leagueData" (leagues)
- "topLeagueMatchesData" (matches)
- "lobbyDestroyed" (result, response)
- "practiceLobbyJoinResponse" (result, response)
- "practiceLobbyListData" (practiceLobbyListResponse)
- "practiceLobbyResponse" (result, response)
- "friendPracticeLobbyListData" (practiceLobbyListResponse)
- "inviteCreated" (steam_id, group_id, is_online)
- "matchesData" (requestId, total_results, results_remaining, matches, series, matchResponse)
- "matchDetailsData" (match_id, matchDetailsResponse)
- "matchMinimalDetailsData" (last_match, matchMinimalDetailsResponse)
- "matchmakingStatsData" (matchgroups_version, match_groups, matchmakingStatsResponse)
- "topFriendMatchesData" (matches)
- "sourceTVGamesData" (sourceTVGamesResponse)
- "teamData" (teams, league_id)
- .Logger :
- static
- .ToAccountID(steamID) ⇒
- .ToSteamID(accid) ⇒
- .ToAccountID(steamID) ⇒
- .schema
- .CMsgGCToClientPlayerStatsResponse :
- .CMsgGCToClientPlayerStatsResponse :
- .FantasyStats :
- .EResult :
- .ServerRegion :
- .SeriesType :
- .BotDifficulty :
- .Dota2Client ⇐
- inner
- ~requestCallback :
- ~Long
- ~requestCallback :
- static
Dota2.Dota2Client ⇐ Kind: static class of Dota2
Extends: EventEmitter
Emits: ready
, unhandled
, hellotimeout
, popup
, sourceTVGamesData
, inventoryUpdate
, practiceLobbyUpdate
, practiceLobbyCleared
, lobbyInviteUpdate
, lobbyInviteCleared
, practiceLobbyJoinResponse
, practiceLobbyListData
, practiceLobbyResponse
, lobbyDestroyed
, friendPracticeLobbyListData
, inviteCreated
, partyUpdate
, partyCleared
, partyInviteUpdate
, partyInviteCleared
, joinableCustomGameModes
, chatChannelsData
, chatJoin
, chatJoined
, chatLeave
, chatMessage
, profileCardData
, playerMatchHistoryData
, playerInfoData
, playerStatsData
, trophyListData
, hallOfFameData
, playerCardRoster
, playerCardDrafted
, liveLeagueGamesUpdate
, leagueData
, topLeagueMatchesData
, teamData
, matchesData
, matchDetailsData
, matchMinimalDetailsData
, matchmakingStatsData
, topFriendMatchesData
, tipResponse
, tipped
- .Dota2Client ⇐
- new Dota2.Dota2Client(steamClient, debug, debugMore)
- instance
- .Logger :
- .Inventory :
- .chatChannels :
- .Lobby :
- .Options :
- .Options :
- .LobbyInvite :
- .Party :
- .PartyInvite :
- .launch()
- .exit()
- .joinChat(channel_name, [channel_type])
- .leaveChat(channel_name, [channel_type])
- .sendMessage(message, channel_name, [channel_type])
- .shareLobby(channel_name, [channel_type])
- .flipCoin(channel_name, [channel_type])
- .rollDice(min, max, channel_name, [channel_type])
- .requestChatChannels()
- .requestPlayerMatchHistory(account_id, [options], [callback])
- .requestProfileCard(account_id, [callback])
- .requestProfile(account_id, [callback])
- .requestHallOfFame(week, [callback])
- .requestPlayerInfo(account_ids)
- .requestTrophyList(account_id, [callback])
- .requestPlayerStats(account_id, [callback])
- .tipPlayer(account_id, steam_id, steam_id)
- .requestJoinableCustomGameModes([server_region])
- .requestPlayerCardsByPlayer() ⇒
- .FantasyPlayer :
- .FantasyPlayer :
- .requestPlayerCardRoster(league_id, timestamp, [callback])
- .draftPlayerCard(league_id, timestamp, slot, player_card_id, [callback])
- .setItemPositions(item_positions)
- .deleteItem(item_id)
- .requestLeagueInfo()
- .requestTopLeagueMatches()
- .createPracticeLobby(options, [callback])
._createPracticeLobby().createTournamentLobby()- .configPracticeLobby(lobby_id, options, [callback])
- .requestPracticeLobbyList([callback])
- .requestFriendPracticeLobbyList([callback])
- .balancedShuffleLobby([callback])
- .flipLobbyTeams([callback])
- .inviteToLobby(steam_id)
- .practiceLobbyKick(account_id, [callback])
- .practiceLobbyKickFromTeam(account_id, [callback])
- .joinPracticeLobby(id, password, [callback])
- .leavePracticeLobby([callback])
- .destroyLobby([callback])
- .abandonCurrentGame([callback])
- .launchPracticeLobby([callback])
- .joinPracticeLobbyTeam(slot, team, [callback])
- .joinPracticeLobbyBroadcastChannel([channel], [callback])
- .addBotToPracticeLobby(slot, team, bot_difficulty, [callback])
- .respondLobbyInvite(id, accept)
- .requestMatches([criteria], [callback])
- .requestMatchDetails(match_id, [callback])
- .requestMatchMinimalDetails(match_id, [callback])
- .requestMatchmakingStats()
- .requestTopFriendMatches()
- .respondPartyInvite(id, [accept], [ping_data])
- .leaveParty()
- .setPartyLeader(steam_id)
- .setPartyCoach(coach)
- .inviteToParty(steam_id)
- .kickFromParty(steam_id)
- .requestSourceTVGames(filter_options)
- .requestMyTeams([callback])
- "ready"
- "unhandled" (kMsg, kMsg_name)
- "hellotimeout"
- "inventoryUpdate" (inventory)
- "gotItem" (item)
- "gaveItem" (item)
- "practiceLobbyUpdate" (lobby)
- "practiceLobbyCleared"
- "lobbyInviteUpdate" (lobbyInvite)
- "lobbyInviteCleared"
- "partyUpdate" (party)
- "partyCleared"
- "partyInviteUpdate" (partyInvite)
- "partyInviteCleared"
- "chatJoined" (channelData)
- "chatJoin" (channel, joiner_name, joiner_steam_id, otherJoined_object)
- "chatLeave" (channel, leaver_steam_id, otherLeft_object)
- "chatLeft" (channel)
- "chatMessage" (channel, sender_name, message, chatData)
- "chatChannelsData" (channels)
- "playerMatchHistoryData" (requestId, matchHistoryResponse)
- "profileCardData" (account_id, profileCardResponse)
- "profileData" (profileResponse)
- "hallOfFameData" (week, featured_players, featured_farmer, hallOfFameResponse)
- "playerInfoData" (playerInfoData)
- "trophyListData" (trophyListResponse)
- "playerStatsData" (account_id, playerStatsResponse)
- "tipResponse" (tipResponse)
- "tipped" (tipper_account_id, tipper_name, recipient_account_id, recipient_name, event_id)
- "joinableCustomGameModes" (joinableCustomGameModes)
- "playerCardRoster" (playerCardRoster)
- "playerCardDrafted" (playerCardRoster)
- "popup" (id, popup)
- "liveLeagueGamesUpdate" (live_league_games)
- "leagueData" (leagues)
- "topLeagueMatchesData" (matches)
- "lobbyDestroyed" (result, response)
- "practiceLobbyJoinResponse" (result, response)
- "practiceLobbyListData" (practiceLobbyListResponse)
- "practiceLobbyResponse" (result, response)
- "friendPracticeLobbyListData" (practiceLobbyListResponse)
- "inviteCreated" (steam_id, group_id, is_online)
- "matchesData" (requestId, total_results, results_remaining, matches, series, matchResponse)
- "matchDetailsData" (match_id, matchDetailsResponse)
- "matchMinimalDetailsData" (last_match, matchMinimalDetailsResponse)
- "matchmakingStatsData" (matchgroups_version, match_groups, matchmakingStatsResponse)
- "topFriendMatchesData" (matches)
- "sourceTVGamesData" (sourceTVGamesResponse)
- "teamData" (teams, league_id)
- .Logger :
- static
- .ToAccountID(steamID) ⇒
- .ToSteamID(accid) ⇒
- .ToAccountID(steamID) ⇒
new Dota2.Dota2Client(steamClient, debug, debugMore)
The Dota 2 client that communicates with the GC
Param | Type | Description |
steamClient | Object |
Node-steam client instance |
debug | boolean |
Print debug information to console |
debugMore | boolean |
Print even more debug information to console |
dota2Client.Logger : The logger used to write debug messages. This is a WinstonJS logger, feel free to configure it as you like
Kind: instance property of Dota2Client
dota2Client.Inventory : The current state of the bot's inventory. Contains cosmetics, player cards, ...
Kind: instance property of Dota2Client
dota2Client.chatChannels : The chat channels the bot has joined
Kind: instance property of Dota2Client
dota2Client.Lobby : The lobby the bot is currently in. Falsy if the bot isn't in a lobby.
Kind: instance property of Dota2Client
Lobby.Options : Kind: static typedef of Lobby
Name | Type | Default | Description |
game_name | string |
Name of the lobby | |
pass_key | string |
Lobby password | |
[server_region] | ServerRegion |
module:Dota2.ServerRegion.UNSPECIFIED |
Server region where the lobby will be created |
[game_mode] | DOTA_GameMode |
Game mode |
[game_version] | DOTAGameVersion |
Version of the game |
[cm_pick] | DOTA_CM_PICK |
Who gets first pick |
[allow_cheats] | boolean |
false |
Whether or not to allow cheats |
[fill_with_bots] | boolean |
false |
Whether or not to fill empty slots with bots |
[bot_difficulty_radiant] | BotDifficulty |
module:Dota2.BotDifficulty.PASSIVE |
The bot difficulty for radiant bots, if fill_with_bots is true. |
[bot_difficulty_dire] | BotDifficulty |
module:Dota2.BotDifficulty.PASSIVE |
The bot difficulty for dire bots, if fill_with_bots is true. |
[bot_radiant] | number |
Presumably the ID of the custom AI to be applied to radiant bots. | |
[bot_dire] | number |
Presumably the ID of the custom AI to be applied to dire bots. | |
[allow_spectating] | boolean |
true |
Whether or not to allow spectating |
[series_type] | SeriesType |
Whether or not the game is part of a series (Bo3, Bo5). |
[radiant_series_wins] | number |
0 |
# of games won so far, e.g. for a Bo3 or Bo5. |
[dire_series_wins] | number |
0 |
# of games won so far, e.g. for a Bo3 or Bo5. |
[previous_match_override] | number |
In a series, the match ID of the previous game. If not supplied, the GC will try to find it automatically based on the teams and the players. | |
[allchat] | boolean |
false |
Whether or not it's allowed to all-chat |
[dota_tv_delay] | LobbyDotaTVDelay |
LobbyDotaTV_120 |
How much time the game should be delayed for DotaTV. |
[leagueid] | number |
The league this lobby is being created for. The bot should be a league admin for this to work. | |
[custom_game_mode] | string |
Name of the custom game | |
[custom_map_name] | string |
Which map the custom game should be played on | |
[custom_difficulty] | number |
Difficulty of the custom game | |
[custom_game_id] | Long |
64bit ID of the custom game mode | |
[pause_setting] | LobbyDotaPauseSetting |
0 |
Pause setting: 0 - unlimited, 1 - limited, 2 - disabled |
dota2Client.LobbyInvite : The currently active lobby invitation. Falsy if the bot has not been invited.
Kind: instance property of Dota2Client
dota2Client.Party : The party the bot is currently in. Falsy if the bot isn't in a party.
Kind: instance property of Dota2Client
dota2Client.PartyInvite : The currently active party invitation. Falsy if the bot has not been invited.
Kind: instance property of Dota2Client
Reports to Steam that you're playing Dota 2, and then initiates communication with the Game Coordinator.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Stop sending a heartbeat to the GC and report to steam you're no longer playing Dota 2
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
dota2Client.joinChat(channel_name, [channel_type])
Joins a chat channel. If the chat channel with the given name doesn't exist, it
is created. Listen for the chatMessage
event for other people's chat messages.
Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Default | Description |
channel_name | string |
Name of the chat channel | |
[channel_type] | DOTAChatChannelType_t |
DOTAChatChannelType_t.DOTAChatChannelType_Custom |
The type of the channel being joined |
dota2Client.leaveChat(channel_name, [channel_type])
Leaves a chat channel. If you've joined different channels with the same name, specify the type to prevent unexpected behaviour. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
channel_name | string |
Name of the chat channel |
[channel_type] | DOTAChatChannelType_t |
The type of the channel being joined |
dota2Client.sendMessage(message, channel_name, [channel_type])
Sends a message to the specified chat channel. Won't send if you're not in the channel you try to send to. If you've joined different channels with the same name, specify the type to prevent unexpected behaviour. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
message | string |
The message you want to send |
channel_name | string |
Name of the chat channel |
[channel_type] | DOTAChatChannelType_t |
The type of the channel being joined |
dota2Client.shareLobby(channel_name, [channel_type])
Shares the lobby you're currently in with the chat so other people can join. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
channel_name | string |
Name of the chat channel |
[channel_type] | DOTAChatChannelType_t |
The type of the channel being joined |
dota2Client.flipCoin(channel_name, [channel_type])
Sends a coin flip to the specified chat channel. Won't send if you're not in the channel you try to send to. If you've joined different channels with the same name, specify the type to prevent unexpected behaviour. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
channel_name | string |
Name of the chat channel |
[channel_type] | DOTAChatChannelType_t |
The type of the channel being joined |
dota2Client.rollDice(min, max, channel_name, [channel_type])
Sends a dice roll to the specified chat channel. Won't send if you're not in the channel you try to send to. If you've joined different channels with the same name, specify the type to prevent unexpected behaviour. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
min | number |
Lower bound of the dice roll |
max | number |
Upper bound of the dice roll |
channel_name | string |
Name of the chat channel |
[channel_type] | DOTAChatChannelType_t |
The type of the channel being joined |
Requests a list of chat channels from the GC. Listen for the chatChannelsData
event for the GC's response.
Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
dota2Client.requestPlayerMatchHistory(account_id, [options], [callback])
Requests the given player's match history. The responses are paginated,
but you can use the start_at_match_id
and matches_requested
options to loop through them.
Provide a callback or listen for the playerMatchHistoryData event for the GC's response.
Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Default | Description |
account_id | number |
Dota 2 account ID of the player whose match history the bot should fetch | |
[options] | Object |
Filtering options | |
[options.start_at_match_id] | number |
Which match ID to start searching at (pagination) | |
[options.matches_requested] | number |
How many matches to retrieve | |
[options.hero_id] | number |
Show only matches where player played the given hero | |
[options.request_id] | number |
account_id |
A unique identifier that identifies this request |
[options.include_practice_matches] | boolean |
Whether or not to include practice matches in the results | |
[options.include_custom_games] | boolean |
Whether or not to include custom games in the results | |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgDOTAGetPlayerMatchHistoryResponse |
dota2Client.requestProfileCard(account_id, [callback])
Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting account_id
's profile card.
This method is heavily rate limited. When abused, the GC just stops responding.
Even the regular client runs into this limit when you check too many profiles.
Provide a callback or listen for profileCardData event for Game Coordinator's response.
Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
account_id | number |
Dota 2 account ID of the player whose profile card the bot should fetch |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgDOTAProfileCard |
dota2Client.requestProfile(account_id, [callback])
Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting account_id
's profile page.
This method is heavily rate limited. When abused, the GC just stops responding.
Even the regular client runs into this limit when you check too many profiles.
Provide a callback or listen for profileData event for Game Coordinator's response.
Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
account_id | number |
Dota 2 account ID of the player whose profile page the bot should fetch |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgDOTAProfileResponse |
dota2Client.requestHallOfFame(week, [callback])
Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting the Hall of Fame data for week
Provide a callback or listen for the hallOfFameData event for the Game Coordinator's response.
Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
week | number |
The week of which you wish to know the Hall of Fame members; will return latest week if omitted. Weeks are counted from start of unix epoch with a lower bound of 2233 (2012-10-18) |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgDOTAHallOfFameResponse |
Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting one or multiple account_ids
player information.
This includes their display name, country code, team info and sponsor, fantasy role, official information lock status, and if the user is marked as a pro player.
Listen for the playerInfoData event for the Game Coordinator's response.
Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
account_ids | number | Array.<number> |
Either a single or array of Account IDs (lower 32-bits of a 64-bit Steam ID) of desired user(s) player info. |
dota2Client.requestTrophyList(account_id, [callback])
Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting account_id
's trophy data.
Provide a callback or listen for trophyListData event for Game Coordinator's response.
Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
account_id | number |
Dota 2 account ID of the player whose trophy data the bot should fetch |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgClientToGCGetTrophyListResponse |
dota2Client.requestPlayerStats(account_id, [callback])
Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting account_id
's player stats.
Provide a callback or listen for playerStatsData event for Game Coordinator's response.
This data contains all stats shown on a player's profile page.
Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
account_id | number |
Dota 2 account ID of the player whose player stats the bot should fetch |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgGCToClientPlayerStatsResponse |
dota2Client.tipPlayer(account_id, steam_id, steam_id)
Attempts to tip a player for his performance during a match. Listen for the tipResponse
event for the GC's response.
Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
account_id | number |
The Dota2 ID of the player you want to tip. |
steam_id | Long |
The match ID for which you want to tip a player. |
steam_id | number |
The event ID during which you want to tip a player. |
Requests a list of custom game modes for which there are currently lobbies available. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[server_region] | ServerRegion |
ServerRegion.UNSPECIFIED |
The server region for which you'd like to obtain the joinable custom game modes |
dota2Client.requestPlayerCardsByPlayer() ⇒ Requests the player stats for each of the players for which you have one or multiple player cards. All requests are staggered in 200ms intervals and time out after 2s. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
requestPlayerCardsByPlayer.FantasyPlayer : Player with player cards
Kind: static typedef of requestPlayerCardsByPlayer
Name | Type | Description |
account_id | number |
Dota2 account ID of the player |
cards | Array.<Object> |
Player cards of this player in the bot's inventory |
cards[].id | number |
ID of the card |
cards[].bonuses | Array.<Object> |
Array of bonuses that apply to this card |
cards[].bonuses[].type | FantasyStats |
The stat that gets a bonus |
cards[].bonuses[].value | number |
Percentage bonus for the stat |
stats | CMsgGCToClientPlayerStatsResponse |
Player stats |
dota2Client.requestPlayerCardRoster(league_id, timestamp, [callback])
Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting your fantasy line-up for a specific day of a given tournament. Provide a callback or listen for the playerCardRoster event for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
league_id | number |
ID of the league |
timestamp | number |
Date in timeframe of the league |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgClientToGCGetPlayerCardRosterResponse |
dota2Client.draftPlayerCard(league_id, timestamp, slot, player_card_id, [callback])
Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to draft a certain player card in a specific slot, for a given day in a tournament. Provide a callback or listen for the playerCardDrafted event for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
league_id | number |
ID of the league for which you're drafting a player card |
timestamp | number |
Timestamp of the day for which you want to draft a player card |
slot | number |
Slot in the draft which you want to fill |
player_card_id | number |
Item ID of the player card you want to draft |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgClientToGCSetPlayerCardRosterResponse |
Attempts to change the position of one or more items in your inventory. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
item_positions | Array.<Object> |
The new positions of the items |
item_positions[].item_id | number |
ID of the item |
item_positions[].position | number |
New position of the item |
Attempts to delete an item in your inventory. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
item_id | number |
ID of the item |
Requests info on all available official leagues from the GC. Listen for the leagueData event for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting the top league matches. Listen for the topLeagueMatchesData event for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
dota2Client.createPracticeLobby(options, [callback])
Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to create a lobby. This will automatically make the bot join the first slot on radiant team. Listen for practiceLobbyUpdate response for a snapshot-update of the newly created lobby. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
options | Options |
Configuration options for the lobby |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse |
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
dota2Client.configPracticeLobby(lobby_id, options, [callback])
Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to configure some options of the active lobby. Listen for practiceLobbyUpdate response for a snapshot-update of the newly created lobby. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
lobby_id | Long |
ID of the lobby |
options | Options |
The new option values |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse |
Requests a lists of joinable practice lobbies. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyListData event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyListResponse |
Requests a lists of joinable practice lobbies which have one of your friends in them. Provide a callback or listen for the friendPracticeLobbyListData event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgFriendPracticeLobbyListResponse |
Shuffles the lobby based on skill level. Requires you to be in a lobby and to be the host. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse |
Flips the radiant and dire team players. Requires you to be in a lobby and to be the host. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse |
Asks to invite a player to your lobby. This creates a new default lobby when you are not already in one. Listen for the inviteCreated event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
steam_id | Long |
The Steam ID of the player you want to invite. |
dota2Client.practiceLobbyKick(account_id, [callback])
Asks to kick someone from your current practice lobby. Requires you to be in a lobby and to be the host. Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
account_id | number |
The Dota2 account ID of the player you want to kick. |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse |
dota2Client.practiceLobbyKickFromTeam(account_id, [callback])
Asks to kick someone from his chosen team in your current practice lobby. The player will be added to the player pool Provide a callback or listen for the practiceLobbyResponse event for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready.
Kind: instance method of Dota2Client
Param | Type | Description |
account_id | number |
The Dota2 account ID of the player you want to kick from his team. |
[callback] | requestCallback |
Called with err, CMsgPracticeLobbyJoinResponse |
dota2Client.joinPracticeLobby(id, password, [callback])
Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to join a lobby. Provide a callback or listen for the [practiceLobbyJoinResponse](#m