
Validate provided Polish registration plate number.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plRegistrationPlateValidator from '';



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NPM package for validating user provided Polish registration plate. Works with registration plates issued after 2000 both regular (e.q. WZ 20000) and vanity (WO SIEMA).

In current version package exports a function of {valid, type, voivodeship, county, city} return that takes a string as an argument.


npm i "pl-registration-plate-validator"


ES6 / TypeScript

import {validatePlate} from "pl-registration-plate-validator";

const userInput = "WY 52322";
const processedPlate = validatePlate(userInput); // {valid: true, type: regular, voivodeship: mazowieckie, city: Warszawa, county: Wola}
const isPlateValid = processedPlate.valid; // true


var validePlate = require("pl-registration-plate-validator");
var processedPlate = validatePlate("WQ23003"); // {valid: false}
var isPlateValid = processedPlate.valid; // false


If plate is a valid regular plate returned object is of type

    valid: true
    type: "regular"
    voivodeship: string
    county: string
    city: string

If it is a valid vanity plate, returned object is of type

    valid: true
    type: "vanity"
    voivodeship: string    

If it is not a valid plate, in both vanity and regular cases, returned object is of type

    valid: false 


Version 1.0.0

Validation returns object with mandatory "valid" field.

If valid, return will look like

    valid: true,
    type: "regular",
    voivodeship: Lubelskie,
    county: Lublin, 
    city: Lublin


    valid: false

Version < 1.0.0

Validation returns boolean value.

Under the hood

Package runs a series of tests to determine whether a plate is valid or not. Currently, following conditions are taken into consideration:

  • Start with stripping non letter/digit chars that might be provided alongside prefix, suffix pair (such as input of WU-12345)
  • Return false at the very beginning if first char is not of A-Z (upperCased)
  • Vanity or regular (Second char being a number while third a letter)
  • Length of both types (regular 7-8, vanity 5-7)
  • Prefix existence in provided JSON data files(both XY and XYZ prefixes)
  • Vanity plate suffix can contain of no more than 2 digits, placed in two last chars.


  1. git pull
  2. npm i -D
  3. Scripts:
    • npm run build Builds with TSC to ES5 .js module
    • npm run test Fire ups Jest tests


  1. Add description of tests module runs to determine whether the plate is valid or not.
  2. Add verbose mode that will return an object with detailed info on the plate. v1.0.0