NGX Plaid Link
A wrapper component to make using Plaid Link easy in Angular 6+.
This has been tested to work in at least 1 Angular 5 app as well
How to use
1a) Install from NPM
$ npm install ngx-plaid-link
1b) Or Yarn
$ yarn add ngx-plaid-link
2) Import the NgxPlaidLinkModule
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";
import { NgxPlaidLinkModule } from "ngx-plaid-link";
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule, NgxPlaidLinkModule],
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
3a) The easy way, the <button ngxPlaidLink
[countryCodes]="['US', 'CA', 'GB']"
>Link Your Bank Account</button>
3b) The easy way, with the provided button
[countryCodes]="['US', 'CA', 'GB']"
buttonText="Link Your Bank Account"
3b) The less easy way, implement yourself
Since most of the functionality is through the service you can imlpement this yourself to customize to your needs further.
import { Component, AfterViewInit } from "@angular/core";
import {
} from "ngx-plaid-link";
export class ComponentThatImplementsPlaidLink implements AfterViewInit {
private plaidLinkHandler: PlaidLinkHandler;
private config: PlaidConfig = {
apiVersion: "v2",
env: "sandbox",
institution: null,
token: null,
webhook: "",
product: ["auth"],
countryCodes: ['US', 'CA', 'GB']
constructor(private plaidLinkService: NgxPlaidLinkService) {}
// Create and open programatically once the library is loaded.
ngAfterViewInit() {
Object.assign({}, config, {
onSuccess: (token, metadata) => this.onSuccess(token, metadata),
onExit: (error, metadata) => this.onExit(error, metadata),
onEvent: (eventName, metadata) => this.onEvent(eventName, metadata)
.then((handler: PlaidLinkHandler) => {
this.plaidLinkHandler = handler;;
open() {;
exit() {
onSuccess(token, metadata) {
console.log("We got a token:", token);
console.log("We got metadata:", metadata);
onEvent(eventName, metadata) {
console.log("We got an event:", eventName);
console.log("We got metadata:", metadata);
onExit(error, metadata) {
console.log("We exited:", error);
console.log("We got metadata:", metadata);
Available Configuration
This is all there in the types, but here they are for convenience.
Attribute/prop | input/output | optional/required | Type | Default | Description |
apiVersion | input | optional | string | v2 | The version of the Plaid Link api to use |
buttonText | input | optional | string | Log In To Your Bank Account |
You can customize the text on the button by providing text here. |
className | input | optional | string | null | A class or classes to apply to the button inside the component |
clientName | input | required | string | null | The name of your application, gets used in the Plaid Link UI. |
countryCodes | input | optional | string[] | ['US'] | An array of strings of Plaid supported country codes |
env | input | optional | string | sandbox | Can be one of available plaid environments: sandbox , development , or production |
institution | input | optional | string | null | If you want to launch a specific institution |
product | input | optional | string[] | ['auth'] | An array of the names of the products you'd like to authorize. Available options are transactions , auth , and identity . |
publicKey | input | required | string | null | The public key from your Plaid account Make sure it's the public key and not the private key |
style | input | optional | object | An object of styles | An ngStyle object that can be used to apply styles and customize the plaid link button to match your app. |
token | input | optional | string | null | You can provide a token if you are re-authenticating or updating an item that has previously been linked. |
webhook | input | optional | string | null | You can provide a webhook for each item that Plaid will send events to. |
Exit | output | required | function | n/a | Passes the result from the onExit function to your component |
Success | output | required | function | n/a | Passes the result from the onSuccess function to your component |
Click | output | optional | function | n/a | Lets you act on the event when the button is clicked |
Event | output | optional | function | n/a | Passes the result from the onEvent function to your component |
Load | output | optional | function | n/a | Lets you act on the event when the Plaid Link stuff is all loaded |
How to contribute
Coming soon...