
PlantUML viewer powered by Docker + Webpack HMR

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plantview from '';



PlantUML viewer powered by Docker + Webpack HMR



  • Hot Module Replacement (HMR) will help you to seamlessly write and preview UML
  • Easy installation with Docker + NPM
  • Super fast, dockerized local plantuml server
  • Works even in Offline
  • You can use your favorite editor


  • Docker
  • Node >= 10

Getting Started

First, install Plantview:

docker pull plantuml/plantuml-server
npm -g install plantview

Write your UML:

' my-diagram.uml


title OAuth basic flow with auth code and access token

actor "You/Browser" as b
participant "" as s
participant "" as a
participant "" as d

b -> s: 1.  I would like to access my files on Google Drive via your interface.
s -> b: 2.  You should apply the "Authorization Code" from Google for me first.
b -> a: 3.  I would like to permit to access my files.
a -> b: 4.  Are you sure?
b -> a: 5.  [Y]
a -> b: 6.  Okay. Here is the "Authorization Code." Plz give it back to now.
b -> s: 7.  You can do what I asked now \n(with the Authorization Code which is just received from Google.)
s -> a: 8.  I would like to exchange the "Authorization Code" for the "Access Token."
a -> s: 9.  Your Access Token here.
s -> d: 10. I would like to read files which belong to one of my customers. Here is the Access Token.
d -> s: 11. Hmmm...the Access Token is vaild. Here is list of files you asked.
s -> b: 12. Grant succeed. You can see your files stored in Google Drive!

Then, run the following command:

plantview my-diagram.uml


You will see your default browser launch. Every time you update the UML file, your browser will automatically reload it!