
Parse playing card signatures, to programatically determine their rank and suit

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import playingCardSignature from '';



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Parse playing card signatures, to programatically determine their rank and suit

Ranks: A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (or sometimes T), J, Q, K

Suits:clubs, ♦ diamonds, ♥ hearts, ♠ spades

When working with playing cards in software, the cards might be referred to using their signature. The signature is a shorthand notation of a card's rank and suit. For example, a card with a signature of 4s actually means the four of spades.

This library aims to provide a lightweight and reusable way to parse, validate, and process these card signatures, for the purpose of making it easier to work with them.

Note: This library supports the standard 52-card French deck only. Support for other decks is not planned.


yarn add playing-card-signature


const { parse } = require('playing-card-signature');

const options = {
  castTto10: false,

console.log(parse('4s', options)); // { rank: '4', suit: 's', signature: '4s', niceSignature: '♠4' }


parse(signature : string, options : object)

Accepts a card signature and an options object as parameter, and returns the parsed data from it:

  • rank
  • suit
  • the signature itself
  • nice signature (suit is displayed with respective unicode symbol)

Returns null if the signature could not be parsed.



Type: boolean
Default: false

If true, the program casts any T rank it encounters to 10.

validate(signature : string)

Validates the given card signature, and returns a boolean, indicating the result.

Valid examples:

  • 8d
  • kh
  • as

Invalid examples:

  • s4
  • dd
  • 11c


MIT © Máté Farkas